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Castán et al.                                                                                                                                           Radiology of hepatocarcinoma in non-cirrhotic patients

                  A                                                  A

                  B                                                  B

           Figure 7: Computed tomography of axial planes in the arterial   Figure 8: Computed tomography of axial planes in empty (A) and
           phase (A) and portal phase (B). Mass in the caudate lobe (arrows),   portal phase (B). Liver mass in non-cirrhotic liver with calcifications
           non-capsulated, is identified in non-cirrhotic liver. Lesion presents   (black arrow) and important vascular component (white arrow)
           heterogeneous enhancement in arterial phase (A) and late wash-out (B)
                                                              In non-cirrhotic patients, HCC has a similar radiologic
           there may be focal dilatation of intrahepatic bile duct   behavior as in cirrhotic patients. On US, HCC usually
           [Figure 9]; this finding is secondary to the mass effect   appears as a hypoechoic or more often hyperechoic
           produced by these tumors, as already mentioned, and   non-specific  lesion.  In  larger  size  lesions,  a
           they may reach a large size.                       heterogeneous echostructure should be observed, due
                                                              to combining solid and necrotic areas.
           A greater tendency of extrahepatic spread, by direct
           invasion of adjacent structures or by distant spread as   In CT studies without contrast the tumor tends to be
           metastasis (20.5% vs. 6.5%, respectively),  has been   hypodense relative to the surrounding liver parenchyma.
           documented for HCC in non-cirrhotic livers compared   Calcifications can be identified as well as areas of
           to cirrhotic livers. This difference can be explained by   necrosis and hemorrhage. Following administration
           a delayed diagnosis.                               of intravenous contrast, the tumor typically shows

            A                                B                                C

           Figure 9: Computed tomography of axial planes obtained in arterial phase (A), portal phase (B), and late phase (C). Non-cirrhotic liver
           shows mass in right hepatic lobe (black arrow) with typical behavior of hepatocellular carcinoma. Heterogeneous enhancement in the
           arterial phase (A), and portal phase (B) with wash-out in delayed phase (C). The mass shows enhanced capsule in late phase (yellow
           arrow) and produces secondary dilatation of the bile duct (red arrow)
             10                                                                                                     Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ January 12, 2017
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