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Castán et al.                                                                                                                                           Radiology of hepatocarcinoma in non-cirrhotic patients

                           A                                 B

                           C                                 D

           Figure 10: Magnetic resonance imaging of liver acquisition with volume acceleration dynamic sequences in axial planes: empty (A), arterial
           phase (B), portal phase (C), and delayed phase (D). Non-cirrhotic liver shows mass in the right hepatic lobe (yellow arrows) with necrotic
           component that presents heterogeneous enhancement in the arterial phase (B), and wash-out in portal phase (C) and delayed phase (D).
           These findings are compatible with hepatocellular carcinoma with typical behaviour
           enhancement during the arterial phase (wash-in),   clearer mainly in the post-contrast study. It may be
           becoming isodense in the early portal phase, and   surrounded by a capsule with a similar behavior:
           wash-out in the late portal phase and equilibrium   hypointense on T1 and hyperintense on post-contrast
           with respect to the adjacent liver parenchyma, similar   study. In 80% of cases there may be a pseudocapsule
           to the HCC in the cirrhotic liver [Figure 9]. Capsular   formed by prominent peritumoral vessels or fibrosis,
           enhancement, when present, is most apparent during   where iodinated contrast and gadolinium may be
           the equilibrium phase.                             retained, producing a circumferential enhancement in
                                                              the late portal phase or equilibrium phase.
           The appearance of HCC on MRI in healthy liver
           also  has the same radiological  features as  that   In a retrospective review of 209 patients with diagnosis
           in cirrhotic liver. On T1 sequences it will be most   of HCC in our center over a period of 4 years (January
           commonly hypointense relative to the surrounding liver   2010 - December 2014), 23 patients were selected
           parenchyma, although it may contain hyperintense   with healthy liver by histological criteria (liver biopsy
           areas due to the presence of hemorrhage and fat    or surgical resection piece) and/or a combination
           within the lesion. Microscopic fat can be seen in   of clinical, analytical criteria, imaging and hepatic
           about 10-17% of non-cirrhotic HCC, similar to HCC in   hemodynamics. The average age at diagnosis in
           cirrhotic livers. It is a finding most often seen in well-  these patients was 70 years old, with no significant
           differentiated tumors and, therefore, a sign of good   differences in distribution by sex, as opposed to the
           prognosis. On T2 sequences, the HCC will be usually   higher incidence in males described by other authors.
           isointense or hyperintense. However, well or poorly   Most diagnostic testing was initiated by the presence
           differentiated tumors can be isointense or hypointense.   of abdominal pain or abnormal liver profiles, as in
           In dynamic sequences after gadolinium administration,   other studies. [50]  Twenty-one patients were diagnosed
           they  will  show  a  typical  pattern  identical  to  the   with HCC by biopsy and/or surgery.
           enhancement on CT [Figure 10].
                                                              Congruent with previous studies, the presentation
           Usually, there will be an internal enhancement mosaic,   of HCC was as a single large lesion (65%) or a
           also described in previous sections, which become   dominant mass with satellite lesions (35%), with a

                           Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ January 12, 2017                                 11
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