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Castán et al.                                                                                                                                           Radiology of hepatocarcinoma in non-cirrhotic patients

            A                                B                                C

           Figure 11: Magnetic resonance imaging in dynamic sequences: axial in arterial phase (A), 10 min (B), and coronal plane at 20 min (C).
           Image A, B, and C show a non-cirrhotic liver with focal lesion (yellow arrows) in segment VI. Lesion is hypovascular in all phases and
           present atypical behavior for hepatocellular carcinoma
           largest mean diameter of 10.7 cm. The right lobe   present as a hypovascular lesion [Figure 11] or with
           was the most common location (57%). The presence   other characteristics.
           of capsule (60%), well-circumscribed margin (70%),
           intratumoral necrosis (87%) and a typical behavior   FNH [Figure 12] is formed by benign-appearing
           (60%) in the dynamic study after administration of   hyperplastic hepatocytes in normal liver stroma.
           intravenous contrast were present in the radiological   The typical US appearance is a nodule isoechoic
           characteristics in most HCC. Five patients (22%) had   with the normal liver parenchyma. A central scar,
           distant metastases and 3 (13%) patients had portal   containing dense connective tissue and thick arteries,
           vein thrombosis.                                   is present in 77% of the cases. This scar appears
                                                              usually as a hypoechoic area with a central artery that
           DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS WITH OTHER                  presents low resistance flow in Doppler study. In CT
           ENTITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF NON-                    without contrast it is usually seen as a well-defined
           CIRRHOTIC LIVER                                    isodense or slightly hypodense mass compared to
                                                              liver parenchyma. The scar is hypodense. Following
           The  role  of  biopsy  in  the  diagnosis  of  HCC  is   intravenous contrast administration, in the arterial
           controversial. Tumor spread after biopsy is unusual,   phase there is a homogeneous and intense uptake,
           but recent meta-analysis has reported an overall   with the central scar remaining hypodense. Later,
           prevalence of 2.7% and an annual rate of 0.9% after   progressive washout makes it isodense in portal and
           performing biopsy. [51]  The AASLD and EASL advocate   late phases. The central scar, on the contrary, shows
           different guidelines for the diagnosis of HCC using   a progressive uptake being hypodense or isodense in
           specific imaging criteria. [52]  Biopsy is limited to lesions   portal phase and hyperdense in late phase.
           > 1 cm with indeterminate characteristics in two
           image techniques. There is no guideline regarding   MRI may be useful in the characterization of the
           the management of HCC in non-cirrhotic patients    lesion in order to identify the central scar in a higher
           compared to that in cirrhotic patients. [44]  However, a   number of cases. In both sequences, T1 and T2,
           lesion with imaging characteristics of HCC in these   FNH may be difficult to distinguish from normal liver
           patients without increased serum levels of alpha-  parenchyma remaining as an isointense or slightly
           fetoprotein, in a non-endemic area of HCC, makes it   hypointense mass on T1 and hyperintense on T2.
           necessary to rule out other tumors. Therefore, in these   The behavior in the dynamic contrast is similar to CT.
           cases performing a biopsy may be recommended.      Due to the hepatocellular origin of the lesion, when
                                                              contrast with hepatobiliary elimination is used, the
           There are several hypervascular lesions similar to   uptake of the lesion remains isointense or slightly
           HCC. So, faced with a hypervascular lesion detected   hyperintense relative to normal parenchyma, due
           with any imaging technique, it is necessary to make   to increased secretion and excretion of contrast
           a differential diagnosis between several entities such   material of the lesion with respect to the remaining
           as focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), hepatocellular   liver parenchyma. The key to the differential diagnosis
           adenoma  (HA)  or  other  malignancies  such  as   with HCC is the presence of a similar enhancement
           intrahepatic  cholangiocarcinoma  (ICC),  primary   of liver parenchyma in portal and delayed phases
           neuroendocrine tumors of the liver and hypervascular   after contrast administration and the retention of
           liver  metastases.  Moreover,  atypical  HCC  may   hepatoespecific contrast.

             12                                                                                                     Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ January 12, 2017
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