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Castán et al.                                                                                                                                           Radiology of hepatocarcinoma in non-cirrhotic patients

           stages of cirrhosis, it is possible to see peripheral   the case of diffusion and MRI elastography, perfusion
           hypodense areas, with retraction of the liver contour   measures the liver fibrosis with indirect markers.
           and delayed enhancement, corresponding to focal    Hagiwara et al. [38]  showed an increase in absolute
           confluent fibrosis. Signs of portal hypertension are   blood flow, blood fraction, volume of distribution
           similar to those seen with US: portal vein dilation,   and the mean transit time, and a decreased portal
           varicose veins and splenomegaly.                   venous  fraction  in  patients  with  advanced  liver
                                                              fibrosis compared to patients with early-stage fibrosis.
           MRI shows greater tissue contrast than CT and US,   However, several factors may affect the correlation
           resulting in increased information on the changes in   between perfusion parameters and fibrosis (cardiac
           the structure of the liver parenchyma. In patients with   output, fasting, liver congestion, liver inflammation,
           advanced cirrhosis, MRI may show a heterogeneous   liver damage, and portal venous flow).
           liver parenchyma with regenerative nodules and
           fibrous septa or bridges. The regenerative nodules   The study of liver fibrosis by molecular MRI is still in
           are isointense or hyperintense on T1 sequences and   its development phase and is emerging as a valuable
           isointense or hypointense on T2 sequences. The     tool for the non-invasive detection of early-stage liver
           fibrous septa are crosslinks of low signal intensity on   fibrosis. Compared to normal liver, the amount of
           T1 sequences and high intensity on T2.             type I collagen in fibrotic livers increases significantly
                                                              (from 36% to 53%). [39]  Therefore, type I collagen
           Areas of confluent focal fibrosis, which appear as   can be used as a molecular target for detection of
           hypointense lesions on T1 and hyperintense on      liver fibrosis by molecular MRI. Research on the
           T2, can also be identified. Contrast media based   development of specific radiopharmaceuticals which
           on gadolinium are accumulated in the extracellular   can target only the extracellular matrix collagen for the
           compartment and are deposited on the fibrous tissue   diagnosis of early-stage fibrotic livers is underway.
           in the liver. Thus, most contrast agents based on
           gadolinium improve signal of liver fibrosis in T1,   From the above it is concluded that US, CT, and
           particularly in the venous phase and equilibrium   conventional MRI have a high specificity for the
           phase. It is also possible, as with US, to perform   diagnosis of cirrhosis, but have a low sensitivity in the
           an elastography by MRI, quantifying liver stiffness   early stages of the disease. In pre-cirrhotic patients,
           by analyzing the propagation of mechanical waves   the liver parenchyma usually appears normal on
           through the tissue. It allows assessment of all the liver   MRI or only a mild non-specific heterogeneity of the
           surface, unlike US elastography, which only evaluates   parenchyma is identified. Using discrete elastography
           the outermost regions. It has high sensitivity (92%)   can improve the sensitivity in detecting early cirrhosis.
           and specificity (95%) for the detection of liver fibrosis.    Göbel et al. [40]  showed a 10% increase in sensitivity
           However, it is a technique of limited availability today,   for detection of liver cirrhosis with TE compared to
           with long turnaround times and cannot be done to   the use of routine screening. They also showed that
           livers with iron overload due to noise signal artifacts.  the combination of TE with conventional US further
                                                              improves diagnostic accuracy. However, at present,
           Diffusion technique evaluates the diffusion of the   with current imaging techniques, the absence of
           protons of water molecules within tissues. It is routinely   fibrosis or cirrhosis in patients with lesions suspicious
           used for liver testing. Calculating the apparent diffusion   of HCC cannot be confirmed.
           coefficient (ADC) can facilitate the assessment of liver
           fibrosis. It has been shown that ADC values decrease   Liver biopsy is considered the gold standard for
           as liver fibrosis increase. Bakan et al. [36]  detected no   evaluating fibrosis. [41]  However, it is an invasive
           significant differences in ADC values between stages   procedure which can be associated with pain and
           F0 and F1 and between F1 and F2. Another study,    with a 0.5% risk of complications. [42]  Moreover, this
           however, showed significant differences in ADC values   technique has limitations: first, biopsy analyzes a small
           between the stages F0 and F4. [37]  Together, these   part of the parenchyma, leading to sampling errors if it
           findings suggest that diffusion technique is not reliable   has been done in an area with less fibrotic component;
           for distinguishing the early stages of liver fibrosis.  second, there is a 20% intra- and inter-observer
                                                              variability in the histological assessment; [43]  and third,
           Vascular changes that occur as a result of cirrhosis   it should be noted that the biopsy does not predict
           can  be  detected  after  the  administration  of  a   disease progression and therefore additional biopsies
           paramagnetic contrast agent and can be useful to   would be needed after starting treatment for follow-up.
           quantify the state of parenchymal microcirculation.
           Liver fibrosis decreases portal venous flow, increases   In the absence of morphological signs of cirrhosis in
           arterial blood flow and forms intrahepatic shunts. As is   patients with suspicious lesions of HCC, histological
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