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Castán et al.                                                                                                                                           Radiology of hepatocarcinoma in non-cirrhotic patients

           Table 1: Magnetic resonance for the study of HCC   appear  with  reduced  signal  with  respect  to  the
           Studies                                            surrounding liver, because these tumors do not
           FSPGR on phase and opposite phase enhanced on T1   express the hepatocyte sinusoidal transporter required
           FRFSE enhanced on T2 fat-suppressed                for uptake. [9]
           LAVA or dynamic 3D SPGRE
             Pre-contrast phase                               Ultrasonography
             Post-contrast phase
               Arterial phase: 16 s                           US is a non-invasive test and more accessible. It is
               Portal phase: 60 s                             possible to determine the size and morphology of the
               Late portal phase: 180 s                       lesion, its location, and possible vascular involvement.
               Complementary phases: intermediate or later    It also provides guidance for percutaneous biopsy.
           Diffusion                                          Its echogenicity is variable and non-specific and may
            B Factor 0 and 600 seg/mm²
           LAVA: liver acquisition with volume acceleration; HCC:   be hypo- or hyperechoic. The largest lesions are more
           hepatocellular carcinoma                           heterogeneous and often have hypo- or anechoic
                                                              necrotic areas. With Doppler color, central or peritumoral
           differentiated and poorly differentiated tumors. It has
           also been shown that atypical enhancement and           A
           clearing may even be seen in small HCC (< 2 cm). [6]

           Magnetic resonance imaging
           MRI is superior to CT in the diagnosis of HCC. The
           study includes T2 sequences, dual phase-out of
           phase, dynamic study and diffusion T1 sequences
           [Table 1].

           HCC presents variable signal intensity depending
           on the degree of fibrosis, necrosis, and fat. It may
           be hypo, iso, or hyperintense on T1 sequences. On
           T2 it is generally hyperintense, especially with fat    B
           suppression sequences. Gadolinium enhancement
           shows  typical  washing  as  described  in  CT:
           enhancement in the arterial phase and typical clearing
           in portal and late phases [Figure 2]. A mosaic pattern
           is usually observed.

           MRI is also able to distinguish the fat component of
           the lesion, which is difficult to detect from CT or US.
           The capsule of the lesion is hypointense on T1 and
           may present discrete hyperintensity on T2 with tumor
           infiltration or edema. In MRI, specific contrasts can
           be used, especially useful in patients who have not     C
           obtained a clear diagnosis by basic imaging. One
           of the most utilized is gadoxectate disodium. This
           contrast is taken up by hepatocytes, at approximate
           rates of 50%, and is then excreted into bile canaliculi,
           and results in an additional hepatocellular phase of
           imaging. In this phase, contrast is retained not only
           by normal liver parenchyma but also by regenerative
           nodules,  dysplastic  nodules,  and  nodular  focal
           hyperplasia.  Well differentiated carcinomas may
           show hyperintensity on hepatobiliary phase; however,
           most HCC are hypointense. [8]
                                                              Figure 2: Magnetic resonance imaging. Liver acquisition with
           CT and conventional MRI have limitations in detecting   volume acceleration dynamic sequences obtained in axial planes
           small HCC. Hepatobiliary phase provides a more     at 6 min (A), 9 min (B), and 11 min (C). Enhancement of the lesion
                                                              (arrow) in early stage (A) and washing (arrow) in the later stages (B
           accurate diagnosis in small tumors (< 2 cm), which   and C) is observed
                           Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ January 12, 2017                                 3
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