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Castán et al.                                                                                                                                           Radiology of hepatocarcinoma in non-cirrhotic patients

                            A                                B

            C                                D                                E

           Figure 4: Abdominal ultrasound (A) and with contrast at 23 s (B), 30 s (C), 1 min (D), and 5 min (E). Hypoechoic lesion in right hepatic lobe
           corresponding to hepatocellular carcinoma with a typical vascular pattern: early uptake in arterial phases (B, C), isoechogenic respect to
           surrounded liver parenchyma in portal phase (D) and wash-out contrast in late phase (E)
           prospectively compared conventional US and CEUS    lower  rates  in  patients  with  tumor  recurrence
           in 171 cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients. Biopsy was   compared with those without recurrence. On the other
           possible with CEUS in 97.6% of the cases, obtaining   hand, the expression levels of basic fibroblast growth
           one sole sample in 43.0% of them, compared with    factor in the recurrence group were higher than those
           23.4% using US. In general, sensitivity was greater   in the non-recurrence group. Xia et al. [20]  and other
           with  CEUS  (96.5%  vs.  81.5%),  also  in  cirrhotic   reports have shown a greater sensitivity of CEUS
           patients (95.2% vs. 75.0%), in lesions greater than 6   compared to CT when detecting residual tumor after
           cm (97.8% vs. 82.0%) and in poorly visualized lesions   chemoembolization (58.1% vs. 39.5%).
           (100.0% vs. 66.6%). When histology was inconclusive
           with US a new biopsy was performed with CEUS,      CEUS has not shown better sensitivity than CT or
           obtaining a final diagnosis in every case.         MRI when looking for late recurrence. Thus, these two
                                                              techniques are the gold standard for the long term
           CEUS may be useful also to monitor tumor response   follow-up of patients with HCC.
           to treatment. With antiangiogenic therapy, changes in
           tumoral vascularization precede changes in tumoral   MANAGEMENT IN DIAGNOSIS OF HCC
           size. A complete response may be considered when
           there  is  no  enhancement  at  any  time.  Irregular   The objective is early detection. In early stages, radical
           enhancement and/or eccentrical or peripheral nodules   treatment and improved prognosis are possible. The
           suggest the presence of residual tumor. [18]  Using a   pathological diagnosis of the tumor involves biopsy of
           quantitative analysis an individualized treatment could   the lesion. It is an invasive technique including risks
           be done, but more research is needed to establish   such as bleeding or tumor seeding.
           this indication for CEUS.
                                                              In 2001, diagnostic criteria for the management of
           CEUS performed 60 min after radiofrequency ablation   nodular lesions in the cirrhotic liver were established.
           or alcoholization of HCC may monitor the efficacy of   These criteria favor an early non-invasive diagnosis,
           the treatment. [18]  Gao et al. [19]  measured the different   preventing biopsy in some cases. In the latest update
           peak enhancement of contrast between tumor and     of the clinical practice guidelines of the EASL (2012), [10]
           surrounding parenchyma and encountered significantly   the criteria are as follows: (1) nodules > 2 cm can be
                           Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ January 12, 2017                                 5
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