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Castán et al.                                                                                                                                           Radiology of hepatocarcinoma in non-cirrhotic patients

           diagnosed as HCC directly with one imaging test with   between the different causes of cirrhosis. However,
           typical findings, if there is early enhancement and   hypertrophy of the lateral segments, accompanied by
           late washing; (2) nodules from 1 to 2 cm require two   atrophy of the right and the left medial lobe segments,
           different techniques for diagnosis with typical findings;   occurs frequently in patients with cirrhosis induced by
           and (3) nodules < 1 cm should be followed by US every   virus. On the other hand, caudate lobe hypertrophy is
           4 months during the first year and then every 6 months.  usually associated with alcoholic cirrhosis.  Several
                                                              studies have evaluated the ratio between the width
           In nodules between 1 and 2 cm, the AASLD in its    of the caudate lobe and the right lobe (C/RL) as an
           latest update (2010) [21]  establish the criteria for a   indicator of cirrhosis. Awaya et al. [22]  considered a value
           single positive test. However, the EASL does not   of C/RL > 0.65 indicative of cirrhosis. The specificity
           recommend following this approach in the absence   is high (> 90%), but with low sensitivity (43-80%),
           of prospective studies to support it. Both guidelines   indicating that the quotient C/RL is a useful measure if
           recommend  the  use  of  CT  or  MRI  and  limit  the   abnormal. [23-25]
           use of CEUS. As described in previous sections,
           intravascular contrast distribution means that in   Heterogeneous  echostructure  and  multinodular
           some cases the behavior of the lesion is not typical   appearance are frequent observations in chronic liver
           or obtains false positives in CC. In case of uncertain   disease. However, its assessment mainly in the initial
           diagnosis, biopsy of the lesion is required.       stages has much variability.  The presence of irregular
                                                              and nodular surface contour of the liver is considered
           RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF CIRRHOTIC               to be a sign of cirrhosis. This alteration is secondary to
           LIVER COMPARED TO HEALTHY LIVER                    the presence of fibrosis and regeneration nodes. This
                                                              sign is easily visible in the presence of ascites, which
           In the assessment by imaging techniques of patients   allows a better evaluation of liver surface through
           without known cirrhosis three questions must be    the liquid (88% sensitivity, 82-95% specificity). [27]  In
           considered: first, differentiating between healthy   absence of ascites it is advisable to judge the previous
           and cirrhotic liver; second, determining if there are   liver surface by high frequency probes (7.5 MHz),
           morphological differences or behavior in HCC that   increasing the sensitivity in detecting this pattern. Its
           occur in cirrhotic liver versus healthy liver; and   existence is associated with macronodular cirrhosis.
           third, analyzing the management and differential
           diagnosis according to these characteristics with other   Fibrosis of liver parenchyma can alter the morphology
           tumors that may be seen in healthy liver, with similar   of the hepatic veins, with alteration in distensibility,
           radiological characteristics as HCC.               causing luminal narrowing because the walls of the
                                                              hepatic veins are thin. In advanced cases, alteration of
           Chronic liver disease, regardless of its etiology, leads   venous flow is observed using Doppler-US, with loss of
           to progressive development of liver fibrosis and then   the triphase morphology of the wave flow in the hepatic
           to the final and irreversible stage of cirrhosis. The   veins (this condition is called “portalization”). Depending
           gross morphological changes that occur in cirrhotic   on the degree of fibrosis, intrahepatic arterial branches
           livers are easily detectable with any current imaging   may be elongated with tortuous appearance with a
           techniques. In recent years, new imaging methods,   “corkscrew” morphology, due to the distortion of the
           from  liver  elastography  of  transition  to  modern   underlying liver parenchyma architecture. The wave of
           diffusion techniques and MRI elastography, have been   the hepatic artery also shows an altered dynamic, with
           developed to assess liver fibrosis with the intention   increase of speed secondary to the lower flow of the
           of making a diagnosis at an early stage that allows   portal vein.
           an active treatment for incipient liver fibrosis. In this
           article we review the spectrum of chronic liver disease   Another important sign in patients with cirrhosis is
           findings in different imaging techniques.          detection of portal hypertension. Increased resistance
                                                              of portal venous blood flow causes increased portal,
           US is usually the first technique used and can detect   mesenteric  and  splenic  vein  caliber. Thus,  the
           liver cirrhosis and its complications. In the first phase   existence of a diameter greater than 13 mm has a
           of cirrhosis liver can be enlarged, whereas in advanced   sensitivity of 42% and a specificity of 90% for the
           stages the liver is usually small with atrophy of the right   diagnosis of portal hypertension. [28]  The increase of
           lobe (predominantly anterior segment) and the medial   less than 20% in the diameter of the portal vein with
           segment of the left lobe, and relative enlargement of   deep inspiration is another sign of portal hypertension,
           lateral segments of the left, caudate or both lobes. The   with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 100%. [29]
           morphological patterns of chronic liver disease overlap   However, the difficulty in assessing this measurement

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