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Amatori et al.                                                                                                                                                                         RT-qPCR array for gene expression

           experience,  many of these RT-qPCR  arrays  are    induced  in HeLa cells,  when subjected  to CDDP
           characterized by technical limits that could compromise   or  NaBu exposure, was compared with the  results
           the success of a gene expression study. The first limit   obtained  by our RT-qPCR array using the same
           is represented by the absence of technical replicates   biological model of study.
           that could monitor the inter-well reproducibility for each
           gene  transcript.  The  amplification  of  each  target  in   METHODS
           a single well does not allow one to identify possible
           incidental mistakes that can occur, for example, during   Cell culture and treatments
           preparation of the PCR reaction mix. Another critical   HeLa cells were obtained  from the  American  Type
           aspect is amplification of genes expressed at very low   Culture Collection  (ATCC, Rochville,  MD, USA).
           levels  (e.g.  CDK  inhibitors)  that  is  often  difficult  and   All cellular populations were  cultured in Dulbecco’s
           requires a highly efficient DNA polymerase. In fact, the   Modified   Eagle   Medium   (DMEM,   Cambrex,
           different DNA polymerase master mixes commercially   Walkersville, MD, USA) supplemented with 10% fetal
           available  are not always  able  to amplify very low   bovine serum (FBS), 1% penicillin-streptomycin, and
           represented mRNA species in a detectable way.      1% glutamine.

           The rationale of the study was to design and test a RT-  HeLa cells in exponential  phase of growth were
           qPCR array able to analyze the behaviour of 41 human   subjected to treatment with 10 µmol/L CDDP (Sigma-
           genes involved in cell cycle regulation, DNA damage   Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA) or 5 mmol/L NaBu for
           response, apoptosis, and senescence induction.     24 h and 16 h, respectively. At the end of the treatment
           Our goal was to develop a qPCR array that could    period, viability of cellular populations was analyzed by
           overcome  the  technical  limits  described  above  (e.g.   the trypan blue dye exclusion method. [11]
           low efficiency of amplification and technical replicates
           controls) in order to obtain an inexpensive and easy-  Primers design
           to-use tool for the reliable monitoring of transcriptional   Primer pairs, purchased from  Primm  S.r.l.  (Milan,
           modulations induced by exposure of human cells to   Italy)  and  listed  in  Table 1, were designed with
           drug treatments.                                   Primer  Express  2.0 Abi  Prism  software  (PE Applied
                                                              Biosystem, Foster  City,  CA,  USA) as previously
           We applied this qPCR array to investigate the response   described,   employing common design parameters
           of HeLa cells to two different anti-proliferative drugs   [Table 2].  All amplicons primers, except for those
           such  as  cisplatin  [cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II)-  amplifying  an intronic  region of GAPDH (control for
           CDDP] and sodium butyrate (NaBu). CDDP remains     possible genomic DNA contamination), were designed
           one of the principal chemotherapeutic agents used for   encompassing exon-exon boundaries to avoid genomic
           cancer  treatment.  CDDP  cytotoxicity  is  mediated  by   DNA  amplification.  The  specificity  of  amplicons  and
           its ability to form DNA adducts, primarily intra-strand   primer pairs was checked in silico using BLAT (UCSC
           adducts,  which  activate  a  DNA-damage  cellular   Genome Browser)  and BLAST  (National Center for
           response and subsequent programmed cell death. [3,4]    Biotechnology Information) alignment tools.
           Cellular exposure to CDDP, for  example, is known
           to cause up-regulation of cyclin dependent kinase   RNA extraction
           inhibitors (e.g. p27 and p21) and down-regulation of   Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy Mini Kit
           anti-apoptotic protein Bcl2 in cancer models. [5,6]  NaBu   (Qiagen,  Hilden,  Germany)  and  following  supplier’s
           is a widely known histone deacetylase inhibitor and is   instructions.  Elution  was  performed  in  a  solution  of
           considered the prototype of an epigenetic modulator.   1 volume of PBS and 5 volumes of RNAlater. For
           NaBu exerts anticancer effects by inhibiting histone   total RNA extraction RNase-free water and RNase-
           deacetylase enzymes, thus inducing increased histone   free supplies were used.  Total RNA concentration
           acetylation levels, elaboration of chromatin structure,   was  measured  with  Qubit  Fluorometer  (Invitrogen,
           and consequent reactivation of aberrantly silenced   Carlsbad, CA, USA) and RNA integrity evaluated
           genes.  Previous studies showed that several       through 1.3% agarose gel electrophoresis, as
           molecular pathways are affected by NaBu treatment.   described. [13]
           In  particular,  cyclin  dependent  protein  kinase  (CDK)
           down-regulation,  cell-cycle inhibitors up-regulation,   Reverse transcription
           together with  modulation of several apoptosis-related   One microgram of RNA from each  sample  was
           genes were observed. [9,10]                        retrotranscribed  (RT)  using  SuperScript  II  Reverse
                                                              Transcriptase  (Invitrogen,  Carlsbad,  CA,  USA)  and
           Finally, the described modulation of gene expression   T Personal  thermocycler (Biometra), according  to
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ May 24, 2017            91
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