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Amatori et al.                                                                                                                                                                         RT-qPCR array for gene expression

           of  product  specificity  and  amplification  efficiency   HeLa cells and its integrity was evaluated by monitoring
           (FastStart SYBR Green Master produced by Roche,    the  28S  to  18S  rRNA  ratio  through  AGE  (data  not
           Figure 2A-D).  Then, we tested different thermal   shown). After  fluorometric  quantitation,  1  µg  of  RNA
           profiles by changing the annealing step temperature   was retro-transcribed and the resulting cDNA used for
           (from 56 °C to 66 °C, data not shown), identifying 64 °C   qPCR analysis.
           as the best annealing temperature. We demonstrated
           that, at the selected qPCR condition, the slope of   Gene expression profile modulations were evaluated
           the amplification curves was comparable in all array   comparing  Ct values  between treated  and  non-
           samples [Figure 3A]. In addition, all the different primer   treated  cells, using  the  2 -∆∆Ct  method. HeLa cells
           pairs generated a unique PCR product as observed   treated with CDDP showed a clear increase of the
           through both AGE separation [Figure 3B] and melting   abundance of the 2 cell cycle inhibitors CDKN1A
           curves analysis (data not shown), highlighting the   (+4.93 fold) and CDKN2B (+7.24 fold), as well as
           specificity of all the amplifications and the absence of   of GADD45A (+23.1 fold,  Figure 4A).  In  addition,
           primer-dimer products.                             other genes playing key functions in both DNA
                                                              damage response and cell cycle regulation were
           Modulation of the gene expression profile          found to be up-regulated, such as BRCA1 (+2.73
           induced by cisplatin (CDDP)                        fold) and cyclin dependent kinases 1 and 2 (CDK1,
           Once optimized, the RT-qPCR gene array was used    +3.12  fold;  CDK2,  +2.74  fold),  while  a  significant
           to study effects induced by CDDP on HeLa cells. To   down-regulation of anti-apoptotic gene  BCL2 was
           this end, cells were treated with sublethal doses of   observed (-3.63 fold, Figure 4A). Notably, all these
           CDDP (10 µmol/L for 24 h), obtaining a reduction of   regulations were confirmed applying the comparative
           cell survival equal to 72.1%.                      quantitation method available on Rotor Gene 6000
                                                              Series software 1.7 (data not shown). Amplification
           Total RNA was extracted from treated and untreated   efficiency  was  checked  by  monitoring  the  slope  of

           Figure 2: Test of different commercially available master mixes. (A-C) profiles relative to amplification of cDNA using primer pairs for
           GAPDH, CDKN1A and CDKN2B genes and the following commercially available SYBR-green master mixes: (1) FastStart SYBR Green
           Master (Roche); (2) SYBR Select Master Mix (Applied Biosystems); (3) RT2 SYBR Green FAST MasterMix (Qiagen); (4) 2X PCR Master
           Mix (Diatheva). (D) 2% agarose gel electrophoresis of GAPDH, CDKN1A and CDKN2B PCR products. PCR: polymerase chain reaction
            94                                                                       Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ May 24, 2017
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