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Amatori et al.                                                                                                                                                                         RT-qPCR array for gene expression

           Table 2: Parameters employed for primers design    procedure (purple disc section, Figure 1). The same
                                   Min Tm (°C)         58     GAPDH-primer pair was used to amplify commercial
                                   Max Tm (°C)         62     genomic  DNA as both positive  PCR  reaction  control
            Primer Tm requirements  Optimal Tm (°C)    60
                                   Max Tm Difference (°C)  2  and internal standard control to compare the efficiency
            Primer GC content      Min GC (%)          40     of amplifications performed at different times in different
            requirements           Max GC (%)          60     discs (orange disc section, Figure 1).
                                   Min length (bp)     12
            Primer length          Max length (bp)     40     In  order  to  better  control  the  results,  and  also  to
            requirements           Optimal length (bp)  20    extend the applicability of the assay to different
                                   Min length (bp)     150
            Amplicon requirements                             experimental conditions, we designed the RT-qPCR
                                   Max length (bp)     250    array,  including  primer pairs able  to  amplify the  3
           Tm: melting temperature
                                                              stable and housekeeping gene transcripts GAPDH,
           forward and reverse primer, 1x SYBR Green mastermix   RPLP0 and ATP5B, to be used as reference for gene
           (as indicated in Results section) and 0.2 µL of cDNA   expression normalization. All reactions were placed
           solution, as described.  The following thermal profile   in the 100-well disc in duplicate (red disc section,
           was applied:  1 cycle at 95 °C for 10 min, 40 cycles   Figure 1).
           at 95 °C for 10 s, 64 °C for 30 s, and 72 °C for 15 s.
           Melting curve analysis was performed ramping from   Primers were designed following parameters reported
           60 °C to 90 °C and rising by 0.5 °C every 2 s.     in  Table  2  in  order  to  optimize  and  make  uniform
                                                              all PCR reactions of  the array. To achieve the best
           Gene expression variations were evaluated in term   results, we chose primer pairs with the lowest penalty
           of  fold  induction  respect  to  the  untreated  cellular   value given by the PrimerExpress 2.0 software.
           population (control) by both the 2 -∆∆CT  method and
           ‘Comparative Quantitation’ tool of the Rotor Gene 6000   PCR conditions optimization
           Series  software  1.7.  Expression  stability  values  of   In order to optimize the PCR experimental condition,
           the different housekeeping genes were calculated by   we  evaluated:  (1)  primer  efficiency  by  analyzing
           Norm Finder software  to choose the best reference   the  slope  of  the  real-time  amplification  curves;  (2)
           gene for normalization. Filtering of results was carried   absence of primer-dimer amplification; (3) specificity
           out  as  follows:  genes  were  considered  differently   of  the  product;  (4)  absence  of  unspecific  products
           expressed  when  their  change  was  greater  than  ±   by  both  agarose  gel  electrophoresis  (AGE),  and
           2.5 fold respect to the transcript levels of untreated   analysis of the melting curve profiles generated after
           sample, as already described.  All experiments were   PCR  amplification.  First,  we  compared  4  different
           conducted in triplicate.                           commercially available master mixes and selected the
                                                              1 that, in our conditions, gave the best results in terms

           RT-qPCR array design
           The RT-qPCR array was developed to study modulation
           of transcript abundance of 41 human genes involved
           in regulation  of key cellular pathways, such as cell
           cycle, DNA damage, cellular proliferation,  apoptosis,
           and senescence  [Table 1].  The  RT-qPCR array was
           designed exploiting 100-well  discs compatible with
           the Rotor-Gene 6000 instrument  [Figure 1],  but it
           could  be easily  adapted  to standard  96-well  plates.
           Most importantly,  our array was designed  to  harbor
           several technical controls to  statistically evaluate
           final  results  and  to  exclude  possible  experimental
           bias. Six wells were reserved for no template controls
           (NTC) to monitor possible  contamination  (amplifying
           3 housekeeping genes GAPDH, RPLP0, and ATP5B-
           yellow disc section, Figure 1). In addition, one primer
           pair was designed to amplify part of an intronic region   Figure 1: Schematic representation of the RT-qPCR array design.
                                                              Distribution of the different primer pairs and relative experimental
           of the GAPDH gene in order to detect possible genomic   controls using the Rotor Gene 100-wells disc. RT-qPCR: reverse
           DNA contaminations resulting from the RNA extraction   transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ May 24, 2017            93
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