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Amatori et al.                                                                                                                                                                         RT-qPCR array for gene expression

           amplification  curves  generated  during  real-time   Total RNA was extracted from treated and untreated
           amplification [Figure 4B and C], while specificity was   HeLa cells and its integrity evaluated by monitoring
           confirmed by analyzing the uniqueness of the PCR   28S  to  18S  rRNA  ratio  through  AGE  (data  not
           product by melting curve peaks analysis [Figure 4D and E]   shown). After fluorometric quantitation, 1 µg of RNA
           and AGE (data not shown).                          was retro-transcribed and the resulting cDNA used
                                                              for qPCR analysis.
           Modulation of gene expression profile induced
           by sodium butyrate (NaBu)                          As  for  CCDP  treatments,  gene  expression  profile
           Subsequently, the RT-qPCR array was used to        modulations  were  evaluated  comparing  Ct  values
           investigate the effects induced by histone deacetylase   between treated and not treated cells, using the 2 -∆∆Ct
           inhibitor sodium butyrate (NaBu) on HeLa cells. Even   method. NaBu-treated HeLa cells showed down-
           in this case, cells were subjected to sublethal doses   regulation of cyclins  A2 (CCNA2, -2.86 fold), B1
           of NaBu (5 mmol/L for 16 h) to achieve a reduction of   (CCNB1, -2.78 fold), and D1 (CCND1, -9.09 fold),
           cell survival equal to 68.5%.                      as well as of cyclin-dependent kinase CDK6 (-5.00
                                                              fold,  Figure 5A). A  significant  reduction  of  transcript
                                                              abundance was monitored also for marker of
                                                              proliferation  MKI67  (-4.76  fold).  Moreover,  the  array
                                                              showed  up-regulation of genes encoding for  cyclin-
                                                              dependent kinase inhibitors CDKN1A (+2.82 fold),
                                                              CDKN1B (+3.65 fold), and CDKN2B (+3.88 fold),
                                                              and of GADD45A (+2.72 fold,  Figure 5A). Again,
                                                              all regulations emerged from these analyses were
                                                              confirmed  applying  the  comparative  quantitation
                                                              method mentioned above (data not shown).

                                                              Analysis of the amplification curves showed that the
                                                              efficiency of the PCR reaction was similar between the
                                                              different primer pairs and samples [Figure 5B and C],
                                                              while the peaks of the melting curves demonstrated
                                                              the specificity of the PCR product [Figure 5D and E].


                                                              Here  we  report  the  design  and  validation  of  a  RT-
                                                              qPCR  array that allows the reliable study of gene
                                                              expression modulations occurring in biological models
                                                              exposed to drug treatments or to any other different
                                                              culture condition. In order to better control the results,
                                                              and  also  to  extend  the  applicability  of  the  assay  to
                                                              different experimental requirement, we designed a
                                                              RT-qPCR array to include primers able to amplify 3
                                                              different housekeeping genes GAPDH, RPLP0, and
                                                              ATP5B.  The presence of these 3 control genes is
                                                              extremely important mainly for two reasons: (1) it is
                                                              unlikely that there exists  a “universal” housekeeping
                                                              gene whose expression can be considered as referee
                                                              for  RNA  normalization  in  any  biological  model  (or
                                                              treatment) under investigation; (2) despite the control
                                                              of both the amount and integrity of RNA extracted
                                                              from  different  samples,  the  RT-qPCR  could  be
           Figure 3: Optimization of PCR conditions. Amplification efficiency
           and specificity of all gene transcripts of RT-qPCR array. (A)   impaired also by additional experimental variables
           Amplification plot showing profiles slope of different PCR reactions;   (e.g. the limit of spectrophotometric analysis, not
           (B) 2% agarose gel electrophoresis of all array amplicons. PCR:   homogeneous RNA purity).
           polymerase chain reaction; RT-qPCR: reverse transcription-
           quantitative polymerase chain reaction; M: 100 bp DNA ladder;
           NPC: no-primers control; NTC: no-template controls  Furthermore, to monitor possible DNA contamination
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ May 24, 2017            95
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