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Saleh et al.                                                                                                                                                                   Improvement of prostate cancer detection

                                                              were 0.58, 0.55 and 0.56, respectively. Similarly, some
                                                              earlier  reports found disappointing  results for these
                                                              biomarkers.   Although  the  negative  findings  of  the
                                                              present study regarding IGF-1, IGFBP-3 or CgA serum
                                                              levels in differentiating between the PCa and control
                                                              groups; are notable, analysing the combination of these
                                                              markers with PSA either in the PCa and control groups
                                                              revealed that  their combinations with serum tPSA
                                                              level,  (IGF-1/tPSA,  IGFBP-3/tPSA and  CgA/tPSA)
                                                              were  differentiated  significantly  among  PCa,  BPH
                                                              patients and healthy individuals. These combinations
                                                              could, potentially, effectively distinguish PCa patients
           Figure 2: Validity (sensitivity and specificity) of parameters for
           prediction of future PCa occurrence, estimated by AUC. PCa:   from non-malignant individuals. Also, IGF-1/tPSA ratio
           prostate cancer; AUC: area under curve; IGF-1: insulin-like growth   can  significantly  differentiate  between  localized  and
           factor-1; IGFBP-3: IGF binding protein-3; CgA: chromogranin A;   metastatic PCa. Moreover, in our study, the ratios
           tPSA: total prostate specific antigen; f/tPSA: free/total prostate
           specific antigen                                   of IGF-1/tPSA and  IGFBP-3/tPSA (AUC of 0.85 and
                                                              0.86,  respectively) improved  cancer detection, in
           Table 2: Validity* of selected markers in PCa detection  comparison with PSA or f/tPSA ratio, (AUC of 0.83 and
            Parameter       AUC        95% CI      P value    0.76 respectively). Thus it would seem that circulating
            IGF-1           0.58      0.51-0.66     > 0.05    IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 concentrations are unlikely to be
            IGFBP-3         0.55      0.48-0.63     > 0.05    useful in differentiating patients with BPH from those
            CgA             0.56      0.49-0.64     > 0.05    with PCa, but their combinations with serum PSA level
            PSA             0.83      0.76-0.90    < 0.005    (IGF-1/PSA and IGFBP-3/PSA ratios) have improved
            f/tPSA          0.76      0.69-0.83    < 0.005
            IGF-1/tPSA      0.85      0.78-0.92    < 0.005    the validity and correlation  with the progression  and
            IGFP-3/tPSA     0.86      0.79-0.93    < 0.005    clinical course of the disease. The strong correlation
            CgA/tPSA        0.74      0.67-0.82     < 0.05    between  the defective regulation  of the IGF network
            IGF-I/fPSA      0.55      0.48-0.63     > 0.05    and prostate carcinogenesis  has been investigated
            IGFBP-3/fPSA    0.57      0.49-0.64     > 0.05    previously by measurement of another member of the
           *Validity (sensitivity and specificity) for prediction of PCa   IGF family, IGF-2, in patients with PCa and BPH. Also
           occurrence,  estimated  by  AUC  in  ROC  curve  analysis  of
           prediagnostic serum concentrations of tPSA, fPSA, IGF-I, IGFBP-3,   no significant association was found between PSA and
           and CgA and ratios thereof, for 72 patients with PCa and 126   IGF-2 levels. However, the combination  of PSA and
           control subjects. PCa: prostate cancer; ROC: receiver operating
           characteristics; AUC: area under curve; BPH: benign prostatic   IGF-2  improved the prognosis and discrimination  of
           hyperplasia; IGF-1: insulin-like growth factor-1; IGFBP-3: IGF   PCa and BPH. [43]
           binding protein-3; CgA: chromogranin A; tPSA: total prostate
           specific antigen; f/tPSA: free/total prostate specific antigen
                                                              The successful treatment of PCa depends on detection
           previous studies revealed that elevated concentrations   of the disease at its earliest stages. There is significant
           of IGF-1 may increase the risk of some cancers, [35,36]    evidence for some novel PCa biomarkers to overcome
           but results with respect to PCa have been discordant   the  limitations of  PSA;  identifying these markers will
           with other reports which  revealed  null  associations   allow  more appropriate  screening  for early  disease.
           similar  to  present  study. [37,38]   As  with the  results of   However,  few biomarkers have been appropriately
           IGF-1 and IGFBP-3, although there was no statistical   validated and/or involved in clinical approach. To date,
           difference between  CgA levels  of PCa patients and   conflicting and insufficient data have indicated that there
           control groups, CgA was slightly increased in patients   is still no biomarker likely to attain the desirable level
           with PCa than control groups. CgA  is  an excellent   of sensitivity and specificity. Potentially, combining use
           indicator of NE cells and of NED in PCa either in tissue   of biomarkers may improve the diagnostic accuracy of
           or serum. The detection of CgA in the blood of patients   PCa which would impact treatment outcome.
           with PCa indicates a NED, either of a primary tumour
           or an association with metastases.  Tumors with NE   In conclusion, although circulating IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and
           features have displayed more aggression and are    CgA are unlikely to be useful in differentiating healthy
           more resistant to hormone therapy. [25]            individuals or patients with BPH from those with PCa,
                                                              or in identifying PCa metastasis, the combination of
           Some studies have claimed that CgA is an independent   IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 with PSA has improved the overall
           prognostic marker for PCa,  while  others have     sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of PSA
           conflicted with these findings. [29,41]  No PCa predictive   for prediction of the disease. Further prospective
           values were seen for  IGF-1,  IGFBP-3  or CgA; AUC   studies are needed concerning the correlation of
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ May 24, 2017            87
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