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Mai et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(4):466-84  I  Page 9 of 19

                                 Figure 4. UAV path planning flow chart based on dual-strategy ant colony algorithm.

               and turning costs, as depicted in Equation (20). The calculation methods of distance, height, and number of
               turns are shown in Equations (21)-(23), respectively.

                                                              =    1    0 +    2    ℎ +    3           (20)
                                                           0 =                                         (21)
                                                           ℎ =  ℎ                                      (22)
                                                              =                                        (23)
               where       is the length of the    flight segment, N is the number of flight segments, ℎ    is the height of the      ℎ
               flight segment,       is the angle between the    flight segment and the previous one, and    1,    2, and    3 are the
               adjustment coefficients of each factor.

               Based on the above improvements, a new variation of ACO called the DSACO algorithm is formed. This
               algorithm is summarized and detailed in Algorithm 1. Moreover, the overall flow chart of UAV path planning
               based on the DSACO algorithm is shown in Figure 4.
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