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Page 12 of 19                     Mai et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(4):466-84  I

               Figure5. We present mountain terrain in different environmentsin Figure 5A-C.(A) Simple environment; (B)Medium complexenvironment;
               (C) Complex environment.

               5.2 Parameter optimization of DSACO
               The parameter selection of ACO directly influences its performance. Currently, no well-established theoretical
               analysis method can decisively determine the optimal parameter combination. Therefore, to identify suitable
               DSACO parameters, we conducted a statistical analysis of the critical parameters. Specific test parameters
               include the pheromone evaporation rate    in Equation (16) and           and           in Equation (17). In each exper-
               iment, only one parameter was modified while keeping the other parameters constant. Ten simulations were
               conducted for each selected parameter combination to minimize the impact of random errors. The experi-
               ments use a complex mountainous terrain model, as shown in Figure 5C, with the parameter configurations
               detailed in Table 3.

               The first parameter is pheromone evaporation rate   . Value for    is varied from 0.1 to 0.9 in increments of
               0.1. Simultaneously, other critical parameters of DSACO are held constant: m = 10, n = 500, Q = 100,    = 1,
                  = 8,           = 0.9,           = 0.03, p = 1. The experimental results, including optimal path length, optimal fitness
               value, and average convergence generation, are illustrated in Figure 6. Despite the negligible impact of    on
               the optimal path length, as shown in Figure 6A, the optimal fitness value and average convergence generation
               reach their minimum when    = 0.2. Therefore, it is recommended to set    to 0.2.

               The secondparameteris          . Valuesfor           are varied from 0.5 to 0.9 in incrementsof0.05, and other critical
               parameters of DSACO are held constant: m = 10, n = 500, Q = 100,    = 1,    = 8,    = 0.2,           = 0.03, p = 1.
               Experimental results for different values are illustrated in Figure 7. Figure 7A shows that the choice of           has
               minimal impact on the optimal path length. Ignoring the fluctuations depicted in Figure 7B, a larger value of
                         is more likely to yield a smaller fitness value. Figure 7C indicates that a smaller value of           increases the
               average convergence generation, suggesting the need for a larger           to enhance convergence speed. Overall,
               the value of           will be set to 0.9.

               The third parameter is          . Values for           are varied from 0.01 to 0.09 in increments of 0.01, and other critical
               parameters of DSACO are held constant: m = 10, n = 500, Q = 100,    = 1,    = 8,    = 0.2,           = 0.9, p = 1.
               The experimental results for different           values are illustrated in Figure 8. Concerning the optimal path
               length and fitness value, the influence of           is not particularly pronounced, as depicted in Figure 8A and B.
               Regarding the average convergence generation, a peak is observed when           is set to 0.03, as shown in Figure
               8C. Therefore, the value of           will be set to 0.03 to attain improved DSACO performance.

               5.3 Algorithm comparison imitation
               After analyzing the influences of the main parameters of DSACO, an optimal combination of main parameters
               is obtained, as shown in Table 4. Set the starting point A coordinates (1, 17, 0.6) and the target point B coordi-
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110