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Page 14 of 19                     Mai et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(4):466-84  I

                            Figure 7. The influences of           on path length, fitness values, and mean convergence generation.

                                         Table 5. Simulation results in complex terrain environment
                                                   AS     MMAS   Improved ACO by Chen et al.  DSACO
                                  Optimal path length  79.9710  79.2324  77.4436  74.1204
                                  Optimal fitness value  90.7962  89.5247  84.5741  83.0249
                                  Number of iterations  421  407       398         383
                                    Running time/s  3.3321  3.7479    4.2152       3.9541

               to optimizing the pheromone update mechanism and limiting the pheromone value, the approximate global
               optimal path is found.

               Figures 12-14 show the best individual fitness trends of the four different algorithms under simple, medium,
               complex, and complex environments, respectively. By comparing the simulation results, we found that the tra-
               ditional ACO algorithm has a good convergence speed in a simple environment. By comparing the simulation
               results, we found that AS and MMAS have an excellent convergence speed in a simple environment. However,
               they are prone to get stuck in local optima in a complex environment. Compared with the improved ACO
               algorithm by Chen et al., the fitness of DSACO can be reduced to a lower level, indicating that the algorithm
               has a better path search capability. At the same time, DSACO can reach a smaller fitness with fewer iterations,
               which indicates that the algorithm has a faster convergence speed.

               In order to minimize errors, we conducted 30 experiments and calculated the average values of the optimal
               path length, the optimal fitness value, the number of iterations required to reach the optimal fitness value, and
               the running time for the four different algorithms in complex mountain environments, as shown in Table 5.
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112