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Page 8 of 19                      Mai et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(4):466-84  I

               Equation (15):
                                                   −   
                                              
                                                      0_                   <    0
                                             0 =
                                                   −    0                                              (15)
                                                                 0_              
                                                        0_               +     ≥    0
                                                               2
                                              
                                          0 = 0.7  
               where    isthecurrentnumberofiterations,    isthemaximumnumberofiterations, and    0_               istheoriginal
               value of    0.
               4.2 Dynamically adjusted pheromone update strategy
               In traditional ACO algorithms applied to path planning, there is a risk that if the pheromone level on a particu-
               larpathbecomesexcessivelyhigh, itcanleadtoahigherprobabilityofsubsequentantschoosingthatpath. This
               can constrain exploring other potentially more feasible paths, causing the algorithm to stagnate prematurely.
               We have introduced improvements to the pheromone update strategy to address this concern. Specifically, we
               now update the pheromone solely on the path traversed by the optimal ant in the current iteration. Addition-
               ally, we enforce maximum and minimum limits on the pheromone values to prevent them from becoming
               overly dominant or negligible, as shown in Equations (16)-(18):
                                                              (   + 1) = (1 −   )                 (  ) + Δ                 (  )  (16)

                                         Δ                 (  ) =                                      (17)
                                                   (1 −   )                      +                              
                                                             ˜   
                                                                 (   + 1) ≥          
                                                  
                                                       (   + 1) =    ˜          (   + 1)            < ˜           (   + 1) <            (18)
                                                             ˜            
                                                                    (   + 1) ≤          
               Among them, Δ             represents the change in pheromone concentration between two nodes under the current
               optimal path,    is the pheromone evaporation parameter, which determines the pheromone attenuation ratio
               at the current point after each update,    represents the weight of the global optimal fitness value as the basis
               for pheromone update,    is the pheromone constant.                       represents the fitness value corresponding to
               the current path, and                             represents the global optimal fitness value.           represents the maximum
               pheromone concentration,           represents the minimum pheromone concentration, and                  (   + 1) is the
               pheromone concentration at the    + 1 iteration.

               In order to ensure that ants have more opportunities to explore new paths at the beginning of the iteration and
               optimize the optimal path in the later stages of the iteration, the probability    decreases proportionally as the
               number of iterations increases. We set the attenuation ratio, represented as      , to 0.9, as shown in Equation
                                                        (  )          (  , 100) ≠ 0
                                              (   + 1) =                                               (19)
                                                        (  ) ∗              (  , 100) = 0
                  ∈ [0, 1] represents the weight of the global optimal fitness value as the basis for pheromone update.

               4.3 Path evaluation function
               The heuristic function is crucial in determining the search path, and its strengths and weaknesses directly in-
               fluence the algorithm’s convergence speed during iterations. Due to the traditional heuristic function having
               fewer constraints, the blind search phenomenon will occur in the early search for ants. Therefore, the algo-
               rithm exhibits slow convergence and requires many iterations to reach a solution. Considering the distinctive
               application environment of UAVs, this paper introduces an evaluation function grounded in distance, height,
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