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Page 6 of 19                      Mai et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(4):466-84  I

                                                Figure 3. UAV maximum turning angle.

               follow. The core principle of this algorithm involves representing potential solutions to a problem through
               paths selected by the simulated ants. These paths collectively constitute the space of feasible solutions, and
               within this space, the optimal solution corresponds to the shortest path.

               3.1 State transition function
               Theantstartsitsjourneyfromtheinitialpoint,calculatingthetransitionprobabilitiestovariousstates. Itselects
               thenextnodebasedonthepheromonelevel         andtheheuristicfunction         untilitreachesthetargetpoint. In
               theearlystagesoftheACOalgorithm, pheromoneaccumulationisminimal, andpathselectionprimarilyrelies
               on the heuristic function. As pheromone concentrations reach a certain threshold, the heuristic function and
               the pheromone level influence path selection. In the traditional ACO algorithm, the probability of a transition
               from node    to node    for ant k can be expressed using Equation (7):
                                                     [    ] [     ]   
                                                             (  )          (  )
                                                                           ∈   
                                             (  ) =  ∑   ∈    [        (  )] [        (  )]             (7)
                                                  0                         ℎ      
               where    is the set of next nodes that the current node can choose,    and    are the weight parameters of
               pheromone and heuristic function, respectively, reflecting the weight of the ant colony’s prior knowledge and
               unexplored paths.         represents the pheromone concentration,         represents the heuristic function,    repre-
               sents the current ant, and    represents the candidate node.
               3.2 Pheromone update rules
               Pheromone concentrations naturally diminish over time. The pheromone update process occurs once all ants
               have finished their path search from the starting point to the target point. This pheromone update involves
               two components: the residual pheromone and the freshly released pheromone. The update process is shown
               in Equations (8)-(10):
                                                      (   + 1) = (1 −   )        (  ) + Δ        (  )
                                                      Δ        =  Δ                                     (9)
                                             {                                   (  ,   )                     
                                       Δ   =    /                                                      (10)
                                              0           ℎ      

               In Equations (8)-(10),         denotes the total amount of pheromones,    is the evaporation rate, Δ        represents
               the increment of pheromone, Δ   is the quantity of pheromone laid on edge (  ,   ) by ant k, Q is a constant,
               and       is the length of the tour constructed by ant k.
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