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Mai et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(4):466-84  I  Page 7 of 19

               The traditional ACO algorithm often relies on a stochastic mechanism to choose the next node, which can lead
               to an indiscriminate search during the initial phase of the algorithm and result in slow convergence. While
               the algorithm does possess positive feedback traits, if it initially identifies a sub-optimal solution, this positive
               feedback can subsequently trap the algorithm in a local optimum. To address the aforementioned issues, en-
               hancements are implemented in two critical aspects: (1) the method for selecting candidate nodes; and (2) the
               rules governing pheromone updates.

               4.1 State transition strategy of deterministic selection
               While searching for the next feasible node, the heuristic values for candidate nodes are determined using the
               Equation              ℎ =    ∗    ∗   . The specific equations for S, M, and D are provided in Equations (11)-(13),
                                                       1   ℎ   +1 ≥    + ℎ   
                                                      =                                                (11)
                                                       0       ℎ      

                                                          =                                            (12)
                                                           1 + ℎ   +1
                                  = √              √                                                   (13)
                                          2     2               2           2            2
                                     1 + Δ   + Δℎ + 1 + (      −      +1 ) + (      −      +1 ) + (ℎ    − ℎ   +1 )

               Among them, S signifies the accessibility of the next node, taking the value 1 if the node is reachable and 0
               otherwise. ℎ    is the safety threshold, and H represents the height of the mountain node. M represents the
               probability of selecting a candidate node,      +1,      +1, and ℎ   +1 represent the 3D coordinates of the candidate
               node,      ,      , and       are the 3D coordinates of the mountain node, D is the correlation coefficient between
               two nodes, Δ   represents the interpolation of the y-axis of the two nodes, and Δ   represents the interpolation
               of the z-axis of the two nodes.

               The traditional ACO algorithm employs a probabilistic transition strategy where transition probabilities be-
               tween nodes are calculated, and the roulette method is commonly used to select the next node. As the algo-
               rithm progresses into its later stages, paths with clear advantages become more evident, and a deterministic
               node transition strategy can be applied to expedite algorithm convergence. In light of this, we have designed
               a novel state transition function to choose the subsequent node at the later stage of the algorithm, as shown in
               Equation (14):
                                                             ∈   [        (  )] [        (  )]     ≤    0
                                                 [    ] [     ]   
                                              
                                                         (  )          (  )                         (14)
                                        (  ) =   ∑                     ∈   
                                                  ∈    [        (  )] [        (  )]     ≥    0
                                              
                                              
                                              0                         ℎ      
                                              
               where q is a tunable parameter within the interval [0, 1] that represents the probability of using a deterministic
               nodetransitionstrategy.    0 determinestheprobabilityofselectingeitherthedeterministicorrandomselection
               modes. Consequently,    0 plays a crucial role in influencing the convergence speed and the global search
               capability. A higher value of    0 favors the likelihood of choosing the deterministic mode for selecting the
               next point, resulting in an accelerated convergence speed. However, this comes at the cost of reduced global
               search capability. Conversely, a smaller    0 inclines the path shift towards the random mode, introducing more
               randomness in the selection process and enhancing the global search capability. A rule for setting the    0
               value must be established to balance between deterministic and random modes.    0 is calculated as shown in
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