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after cellular damage, enters blood circulation.  This is due   prominent nucleoli. The importance of cell pleomorphism
          to the increased permeability of the plasma membrane or   varies according to the degree of differentiation. Several
          cellular necrosis leading to leakage of the enzymes into the   variants of HCC are described regarding the cytological
          blood stream. [50]                                  aspect of the hepatocellular proliferation. The clear cell
                                                              variant is made of clear cells that may contain fat or glycogen.
          ALP is used as a specific tumor marker during diagnosis   In the scirrhous HCC, tumor cells are generally smaller in
          in the early detection of cancer.  It is involved in the   size, showing a granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, vesicular
          transport of metabolites across cell membranes, protein   nuclei, and conspicuous nucleoli.  Sarcomatoid HCC is
          synthesis, secretory activities, and glycogen metabolism. It   characterized by a sarcomatous-appearing component of
          is a membrane bound enzyme and its alteration is likely to   spindle-shaped or giant tumor cells. [59]
          affect membrane permeability and induces derangement in
          the transport of metabolites.  The increase of ALP in HCC   In this study, IN has a prebiotic effect indicated by a decrease
          rat groups found in this study may be due to the disturbance   in the lipid profile (total lipids, cholesterol, triglyceride,
          in secretion activity or due to altered gene expression. The   LDL-C, and VLDL-C) but increased HDL-C and AFP, as well as
          development of a tumor results in tissue damage that leads   total protein and albumin. Experimental data demonstrate
          to the release of ALP into circulation and the liver tissues   that IN affect processes and parameters involved in lipid
          of the tumor-bearing animals. Elevation of ALP is one of   metabolism and thus produces a beneficial effect on
          the signs suggesting space-occupying lesions in the liver.    diseases related to lipid disorders such as reductions in TG,
          The rise in the activity of ALP in cancer-bearing animals may   while showing modest reductions in total, LDL-C and VLDL
          be due to a disturbance in secretory activity, the transport   particles  due to the inhibition of fatty acid synthesis.  The
          of metabolites, or may be due to the altered synthesis of   lipid-lowering action of this natural product may be mediated
          certain enzymes in these conditions. In addition, GGT is   through the inhibition of hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis,
          overexpressed in tumor cells. [54]                  increased faucal bile acid excretion, enhanced plasma lecithin,
                                                              cholesterol acyltransferase activity, and the reduction of lipid
          CIS is one of the most potent chemotherapy drugs widely   absorption in the intestine.  The IN extracted from chicory
          used for cancer treatment. It was a keystone that triggered   contains some fructooligosaccharides (FOSs) in addition to
          the interest in platinum (II) and other metal-containing   polysaccharides, which may provide another mechanism of
          compounds as potential anticancer drugs.  The related   action.  It is well established that FOSs, besides their effect
          action of CIS activated nucleases and acid phosphatase   on the gastrointestinal tract, are also able to exert systemic
          lead not only to the breakdown of nucleic acids but also   effects by modifying the hepatic metabolism of lipids in
          to the further dephosphorylation of mononucleotides,   many animal models.  Colonic fermentation of FOSs results
          thereby leading to the acceleration of the processes of cell   in the synthesis of short-chain fatty acids, which influence
          degeneration.  In histology, the main hallmark of HCC is its   lipid metabolism in humans.  In addition, IN is soluble in
          resemblance to the normal liver both in its plate-like growth   water and not hydrolyzed by human digestive enzymes;
          and its cytology. [57]                              it is expected to behave like a soluble fiber and to have a
                                                              hypolipidemic effect. [61,65]  IN lowers serum cholesterol when
          HCC is usually a hypervascularized tumor showing different   added to the diet of rats, and may decrease cholesterol
          degrees of hepatocellular differentiation, ranging from well   synthesis by inhibiting hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme
          to poorly differentiated, based on the architectural and   reductase. A mechanism of action of oligofructose was
          cytologic features. Different histological patterns may be   associated with the modulation of  de novo cholesterol
          seen: (1) The trabecular pattern of growth in which tumoral   synthesis by short-chain fatty acids produced by gut
          hepatocytes are arranged in plates of various thickness,   microflora during the fermentation process.  The current
          separated by sinusoid vascular spaces; (2) the acinar or   study is in agreement with a previous study suggesting that
          pseudoglandular pattern showing gland-like dilatation of   chicory extract can minimize liver enzymes (AST, ALT, ALP, CK,
          the canaliculi between tumor cells (lumens can contain bile)   and LDH) activity. This finding may be attributed to chicory
          or central degeneration of trabeculae (lumen containing   extracts having hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects
          mainlyfibrin); and (3) the compact or solid pattern composed   that were effective in reducing serum liver enzymes toward
          of thick trabeculae compressed into a compact mass that   or even below the normal value. [67,68]  Regarding the present
          causes liver damage. [57]                           histopathological examination of the liver sections of HCC
                                                              rats that received IN showed that the administration of IN
          Cytologically, tumoral hepatocytes are polygonal, displaying   protected rat livers from inflammation, necrosis, fibrosis,
          an eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, rounded nuclei, and   and steatosis. This was indicated by the efficiency of chicory

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