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evidence suggests that it may be an etiological agent   aminotransferase  (AST),  alanine  aminotransferase  (ALT),
            in human esophageal cancer. [12,13]  Several studies in   alkaline  phosphatase  (ALP),  triglycerides,  and  cholesterol
            rodents have shown that FB  promotes pre-neoplastic   were obtained from Quimica Clinica Aplicada (SA, Spain).
            lesions in the liver, suggesting a role for FB -induced   Interleukin-1α (IL-1α), procollagen III, and tumor necrosis
            genotoxicity.  Recently, Chuturgoon et al.  reported   factor-alpha (TNF-α) kits were purchased from Orgenium
            that FB  induces global DNA hypomethylation and    (Helsinki, Finland). Kits for measuring nitric oxide (NO),
            histone demethylation in human hepatoma cells that   malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant capacity (TAC),
            causes  chromatin  instability  and  may  lead  to  liver   carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and superoxide dismutase
            tumourigenesis. FB  is resistant to conditions normally   (SOD) were obtained from Biodiagnostic (Giza, Egypt).
            used  in  food  processing  and,  therefore,  poses  a
            significant hazard to human and animal health.  The   Preparation of jojoba seed extract
            cytotoxic mechanism of FB  is attributed to its disruption   Jojoba (S. chinensis) seeds were obtained from the Crops
            of sphingolipid metabolism; the underlying mechanisms   Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo,
            of its cancer initiating/promoting properties are unknown.   Egypt.  The  seeds  (200  g)  were  ground  to  a  powder
            This disturbance of sphingolipid  metabolism  plays  a   and  immersed  in  95%  ethanol  overnight.  The  extract
            role in membrane and lipoprotein structure and in cell   was filtered and evaporated under reduced pressure of
            regulation as secondary messengers for growth factors,   nitrogen to obtain a semisolid residue.
            differentiation factors, and cytokines. [8]
                                                               Determination of chemical composition in jojoba seed
            Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis L) is a perennial woody   extract
            shrub native to semi-arid regions all over the world.    Crude protein (N X 6.25) was determined according to
            Currently, it is cultivated in the Ismailia Desert in   AOAC  and phytic acid content in jojoba seed extract
            Egypt.  The jojoba plant produces seeds that contain   was determined according to the method described
            up to 50% liquid wax used as a lubricant additive   by Mohamed et al.  Total phenolics were determined
            and in cosmetics.  It has been reported that jojoba   according to the modified method described by Chandler
            seeds possess anti-inflammatory activity.  Moreover,   and Dodds  and simmondsin content was determined
            jojoba liquid wax was used in folk remedies for renal   according to Abbott et al. [30]
            colic, sunburn, chaffed skin, hair loss, headache,
            wounds, and sore throat.  Jojoba meal is the protein   FB  production
            residue remaining after oil extraction, and it has   FB  was produced through the fermentation of corn
            potential as dietary supplements for animal feeds,   by Fusarium moniliforme (obtained from Plant Pathology
            as well as for the treatment of overweight animals   Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo,
            and humans.  This protein meal consists mainly     Egypt) as described by Voss  et al.  The fermented
            of  79%  albumins  and  21%  globulins.   Previous   corn was autoclaved; ground to a powder and the FB
            reports indicated that jojoba meal contained anti-  content was measured by high-performance liquid
            nutritional  compounds  known  as  simmondsins     chromatography (HPLC) according to Shaphard et al.
            (5-demethylsimmondsin, 4,5-didemethylsimmondsin,   The corn powder was incorporated into the basal diet
            simmondsin,  and  simmondsin  2’-ferulate),   which   to provide the desired level of 80 mg FB /kg diet. The
            have been identified as the component in jojoba that   diet containing FB  was analyzed, and the presence of
            is most responsible for the inhibition of food intake   FB  was confirmed by HPLC.
            and for appetite suppression in rodents, rats, dogs,
            and chickens.  However, the meal also contains     Experimental animals
            several beneficial compounds, such as phytic acid and   Three months old male Sprague-Dawley rats (100-120 g)
            polyphenols, which shows antioxidant and anti-cancer   were purchased from the Animal House Colony, Giza,
            activity.  The aim of this study was to evaluate the   Egypt and were maintained on standard laboratory
            effect of ethanol extract of jojoba seed in rats fed FB -  diet (protein: 160.4; fat: 36.3; fiber: 41 g/kg and
            contaminated diet.                                 metabolizable energy: 12.08 MJ) in artificial illuminated
                                                               and temperature controlled room free from any other
            METHODS                                            sources of chemical contamination at the Animal House
                                                               Lab., National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt. All
            Chemicals and kits                                 animals received humane care in compliance with the
            FB   standard  was  purchased  from  Sigma  Chemical   guidelines of the Animal Care and Use Committee of the
            Co.  (St.  Louis,  MO,  USA).  Kits  for  analysis  of  aspartate   National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
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