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showed a significant increase accompanied by a     The effect of different treatments on MDA level,
            significant decrease in cholesterol level, especially in the   glutathione (GSH), and TAC in liver tissue [Table 3]
            high dose group. Animals fed FB -contaminated diet and   revealed that animal fed FB -contaminated diet showed a
            treated with jojoba seed extract showed a significant   significant increase in MDA accompanied by a significant
            improvement  in  all  biochemical  parameters;  although   decrease in GSH and TAC. Treatment with JELD or JEHD
            all levels tested were still higher than in the control   did not affect MDA significantly; however, it resulted in a
            group. The observed improvement in all biochemical   significant increase in GSH and TAC levels. The combined
            parameters was more pronounced in the group fed FB    treatment of FB  with jojoba seed extract resulted in a
                                                               significant  improvement  in  the  activity  of  antioxidant
            and treated with JELD.
                                                               enzymes and decreased lipid peroxidation in the liver
                                                               tissues although they were still significantly different
            The data presented in Table 2 showed that treatment
            with FB  resulted in a significant increase in serum CEA,   from the control. Of note, treatment with JEHD showed
                                                               the best results at improving antioxidant enzymes
            TNF-α, IL-1α, and NO. Animals treated with JELD or   activity and at decreasing lipid peroxidation.
            JEHD alone were comparable to the control group in
            terms of the levels of CEA, TNF-α, and NO, however, the   Histological changes induced by treatment with FB
            level of IL-1α showed a significant increase. Treatment   and jojoba seed extract                1
            with  FB   plus  JELD  or  JEHD  resulted  in  a  significant   The above biochemical findings were further confirmed
            improvement in all the tested parameters toward the   by histological examinations in the liver tissues. The
            control values; in the JEHD group, CEA and TNF-α levels   microscopic examination of the liver section of the
            were normalized [Table 2].                         control rats showed the normal histological structure of
                                                               liver lobule and hepatocytes which form cords radiating
                                                               from  the  central  vein  [Figure  3a].  The  liver  sections
                                                               of rats fed FB -contaminated  diet  showed  vacuolar
                                                               degeneration, hepatocellular necrosis, and congestion
                                                               of  blood  sinusoids  which  were  surrounded  by  an
                                                               aggregation of inflammatory cells, proliferation and
                                                               dilation of bile duct, as well as signs of fibrosis [Figure
                                                               3b]. The liver sections of rats treated with JELD showed
                                                               normal hepatocytes architecture, and dilation of sinusoid
                                                               [Figure 3c]; however, liver sections of rats treated with
                                                               JEHD did not show any pathological changes [Figure 3d].

                                                               The liver of rat fed FB -contaminated diet and treated with
                                                               JELD showed marked improvement in the histological
                                                               features of the hepatic tissue although minimal vacuolar
                                                               degeneration  was  still  present  [Figure  3e].  However,
                                                               the liver sections of rats fed FB -contaminated diet
                                                               and treated with JEHD showed histological features
                                                               resembling normal hepatocytes [Figure 3f].


            Figure 2: Effect of jojoba extract on (a) food intake and (b) body weight in rat   Previous reports indicated that jojoba meal contained
            fed FB 1 -contaminated diet. FB 1 : fumonisin B 1 ; JELD: low dose of jojoba seed
            extract; JEHD: high dose of jojoba seed extract    25-30% crude protein, was high in dietary fiber, and could
            Table 1: Effect of jojoba extract on biochemical parameters in rats fed FB 1 -contaminated diet
            Groups parameter   Control         FB 1          JELD         JEHD        JELD + FB 1  JEHD + FB 1
            ALT (IU/L)       25.43 ± 2.73 a  76.21 ± 5.18 b  26.72 ± 1.33 a  27.44 ± 2.28 a  34.93 ± 2.28 c  38.21 ± 2.93 c
            AST (IU/L)        85.16 ± 3.27 a  112.73 ± 4.22 b  88.25 ± 2.53 a  88.76 ± 4.73 a  96.23 ± 4.92 c  102.32 ± 2.83 c
            ALP (IU/L)       82.25 ± 4.28 a  123.32 ± 6.43 b  92.28 ± 4.34 c  97.28 ± 6.22 c  95.28 ± 7.22 c  115.24 ± 2.93 d
            Triglycerides (mg/dL)  122.21 ± 3.74 a  243.24 ± 6.43 b  122.34 ± 3.37 a  125.74 ± 2.56 a  142.32 ± 4.89 c  142.73 ± 3.82 c
            Cholesterol (mg/dL)  87.23 ± 3.26 a  287.82 ± 7.78 b  79.83 ± 5.38 c  72.34 ± 5.64 c  111.96 ± 3.88 d  117.26 ± 3.95 d
            Within each row means superscript with different letters are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05. FB 1 : fumonisin B 1 ; JELD: low dose of jojoba seed extract; JEHD: high
            dose of jojoba seed extract; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; ALP: alkaline phosphatase

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