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Experimental design
           After an acclimatization period of 1 week, the animals
           were divided into six groups (10 rats/group) and
           housed  in  filter-top  polycarbonate  cages.  The  rats
           were maintained on their respective diet for 8 weeks
           as follows: (1) Untreated control; (2) FB -contaminated
           diet (80 mg/kg diet); (3) low dose of jojoba seed extract
           (JELD)  (0.5  mg/kg  b.w.);  (4)  high  dose  of  jojoba  seed
           extract (JEHD) (1.0 mg/kg b.w.); (5) FB -contaminated
           diet and treated with JELD; and (6) FB -contaminated
           diet  and  treated  with  JEHD.  Body  weight  and  food   Figure 1: Chemical composition of the ethanol extract of jojoba seeds
           intake were recorded daily throughout the treatment   acid content was 6.83 mg/g, and simmondisin content
           period. At the end of the treatment period, blood   reached 12.43 mg/g [Figure 1].
           samples were collected from the retro-orbital venous
           plexus of all animals after fasting for 12 h. The   Effect of jojoba seed extract on food intake and body
           blood sample from each animal was left to clot and   weight
           centrifuged at 5,000  g under cooling for 10 min to   The effect of different treatments on food intake
           separate the serum for the determination of ALT, AST,   indicated that the acute toxicity of FB  first appeared
           ALP, triglycerides,  cholesterol,  NO, IL-1α,  TNF-α,  and   as a significant decrease in food intake [Figure 2a].
           CEA according to the respective kit instructions. After   Animals fed FB -contaminated diet showed a significant
           collection of blood samples, all animals were sacrificed   decrease in  food intake  throughout  the  treatment
           and liver samples of each animal were dissected,   period compared to the control group. Animals treated
           weighed, and homogenized  in phosphate buffer      with jojoba seed extract at both the low and highdoses
           (pH 7.4) to give 20% w/v homogenate. This homogenate   also showed a gradual decrease in food intake which
           was centrifuged at 1,700 g and 4 °C for 10 min and the   became severe by the 7th week of treatment and
           supernatant was stored at -70 °C for the determination   was  pronounced  in  the  JEHD  group.  The  combined
           of lipid peroxidation by measuring  the  formed  MDA   treatment  of  FB   and  jojoba  seed  extract  induced  a
           using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. The level   significant improvement in food intake, although the
           of lipid peroxidation was expressed as nmol MDA per   food consumption was still lower than in the control
           gram tissue. The liver homogenate was further diluted   group. It is of interest to mention that the improvement
           to give 5% homogenate (w/v), centrifuged at 3,000 g   in food intake was pronounced in the group fed FB -
           for 5 min at 0 °C and used for the determination of   contaminated diet and treated with JELD [Figure 2a].
           SOD and TAC. Another liver sample of each animal was
           dissected, excised, and fixed in 10% neutral formalin;   The  effect  of  different  treatments  on  body  weight
           dehydrated in ascending grades of ethanol; cleaned in   gain of rats is depicted in Figure 2b. Animals fed FB -
           xylene; and embedded in paraffin. Five micrometer thick   contaminated diet failed to gain weight; however, animals
           sections were prepared and stained with hematoxylin   treated with jojoba seed extract showed slight weight
           and eosin according to Drury et al. [33]           gain, although there was a significant difference between
                                                              these groups and the control. Moreover, animals in the
           Statistical analysis                               groups treated with the FB  and jojoba seed extract did
           All  data  were  statistically  analyzed  using  the  General   not show any significant increase in body weight, and
           Linear  Models  Procedure of the Statistical Analysis   they were below the normal weight of the control group.
           System.   The  significance  of  the  differences  among   Animals receiving combined treatment of FB  and jojoba
           treatment groups was determined by Waller-Duncan   seed extract showed slightly higher weight gain than
           k-ratio.  All statements of significance were based on   those receiving FB  alone.
           probability of P ≤ 0.05.
                                                              Biochemical effects of treatment with FB  and jojoba
           RESULTS                                            seed extract
                                                              The  biochemical  results  [Table  1]  revealed  that  FB
           Composition of ethanol extract of jojoba seeds     alone induced a significant increase in all biochemical
           The results of this study revealed that ethanol extract of   parameters  tested.  The  jojoba  seed  extract  alone  at
           jojoba seeds is rich in crude protein (27.32 g/100 g seeds)   both low and high doses did not induce any significant
           and total phenolic content (65.53 mg/100 g). Phytic   changes in ALT, AST, and triglycerides. However, ALP

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