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of HCC ranks sixth among all cancers. Under normal   harmful microorganisms.  The combination of prebiotics
          physiologic conditions, the liver ensures homeostasis of lipid   and probiotics has given rise to so-called “synbiotics”,
          and lipoprotein metabolism.  Accordingly, hepatic cellular   with promising healthy properties.  Experimental data
          damage impairs liver function and can lead to alterations   demonstrates that IN and oligofructose affect processes and
          in lipid metabolism, and subsequently, may play a vital   parameters involved in lipid metabolism, thus producing a
          role in the development of HCC. Moreover, lipids are also   beneficial effect on diseases related to lipid disorders such
          involved in cellular signaling. In particular, lysophosphatidic   as atherosclerosis. [14]
          acid is a powerful cellular signaling agent and acts as a
          potent mitogenic molecule.  However, according to recent   In light of this, this study was carried out to elucidate the
          reports, the incidence of HCC has increased sharply in the   effective role of IN on HCC-linked adverse effects, and to
          last decade, especially in Egypt, where there has been a   evaluate its activity as a chemo-sensitizer for CIS treatment.
          doubling of the incidence rate during the last 10 years.
          This sharp rise has been attributed to several factors   METHODS
          including hepatitis B and C virus infections, endemic
          infections in the community as schistosomiasis, as well as   Experimental animals
          environmental factors.  Cisplatin (CIS) is extensively used as   This study was performed on adult male Wistar rats;
          a chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of HCC. A major   weighing 120-150 g. Rats were obtained from the Institute
          problem with CIS treatment of HCC is the development of   of Ophthalmic Disease Research (Cairo, Egypt). They
          CIS chemoresistance.  Revealing the underlying mechanism   were housed in stainless steel cages in an automatically
          for the development of chemoresistance is indispensable for   illuminated and thermally controlled room (12 h light/dark
          developing effective chemotherapeutic agents.  Cellular   cycle at 22-25 °C) at the Animal House, Faculty of Science,
          proliferation, an important prerequisite for tumorigenesis,   Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt. Rats were permitted
          imparts metabolic challenges.  The constant doubling   an adequate standard diet (60% ground corn meal, 15%
          of proteins and lipids requires uptake of nutrients in   round beans, 10% bran, 10% corn oil, 3% casein, 1% mineral
          excess of that normally required. In addition to increasing   mixture, and 1% vitamin mixture) purchased from Meladco
          nutrient uptake, proliferating cells also increase metabolic   Feed Company (Aubor City, Cairo, Egypt), and given water
          pathways to support biosynthesis.  Chicory (Cichorium   ad libitum for an adaptation period of 1 week prior to the
          intybus L.) is one of the most promising novel candidates   experimental work.  This experimental study was approved
          among carbohydrates with potential for both nutrient and   by review board of Mansoura University.
          non-nutrient utilization. It has been implemented in folk   Chemicals
          medicine from North Africa to South Asia for more than   Thioacetamide (TAA) and chicory extract (IN) were purchased
          100 years.  Fresh chicory typically contains 68% inulin (IN),   from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA). CIS was
          14% sucrose, 5% cellulose, 6% protein, 4% ash, and 3% other   purchased from Tarshouby Pharmacy (Mansoura, Egypt).
          compounds, while dried chicory contains approximately 98%
          IN and 2% other compounds.  Chicory IN is a natural linear   Study design
          molecule of fructose with 9-(2-l) glycosidic linkages that are   After the acclimation period, rats were divided into five groups
          not digested in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract   (6 rats each). The first group was a normal control group fed a
          but fermented in the cecocolon.  IN, a naturally occurring   normal diet without any treatment. The second group consisted
          fermentable chicory fructan, has been shown to stimulate the   of normal rats fed a normal diet while receiving TAA daily in
          growth of bifidobacterium, which are regarded as beneficial   drinking water at a dose of 200 mg/kg b.w for 4 months.  The
          strains in the colon and have been found to inhibit colon   third group consisted of normal rats fed a normal diet receiving
          and liver carcinogenesis in laboratory animal models.    CIS (7.5 mg/kg b.w) as a single intraperitoneal dose in addition
          IN is fermentable dietary fiber, resistant to hydrolysis by   to TAA for 4 months.  In the fourth group, rats orally received
          pancreatic amylase and saccharidases in the upper   IN (10 mg/kg b.w) in addition to TAA for 4 months.  The fifth
          gastrointestinal tract. Previous studies have demonstrated   group of rats were administered CIS (7.5 mg/kg b.w) as a single
          that IN is produced enzymatically from sucrose and that   intraperitoneal dose and IN orally (10 mg/kg b.w) in addition
          supplementing IN to high-fat diets for 12 weeks reduced   to TAA for 4 months.
          body weight and serum and hepatic levels of triacylglycerols
          in rats.  IN in human nutrition is noted for its prebiotic   Blood and liver sampling
          effect, that is, the specific stimulation of growth and/or   At the end of the experimental period, rats were sacrificed
          activity of a limited number of colonic bacteria beneficial to   by cervical dislocation, and blood samples from each rat
          the host, as well as its inhibition in growth of pathogens and   were collected into clean centrifuge tubes and centrifuged at

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