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Yaroustovsky et al.                                                                                                                                                     Blood purification in intensive care patients

           We have shown  the successful  use of  CVVHF in    rate of 20-40 mL/kg/h to ensure the required quality of
           conjunction with ECMO in children (more than 80    the procedure. Anticoagulation was carried out for the
           patients) who have undergone correction of complex   combined ECMO and HF single circuit with the use of
           congenital heart defects.   This combination of    unfractionated heparin; the activated clotting time was
           different techniques in a single extracorporeal    maintained within 180-200 s.
           circuit allows the correction of water and electrolyte
           disturbances, metabolic disorders and azotemia from   The circuit lifetime should not exceed 48 h. Since the
           the  first  day  of  treatment.  Moreover,  the  prescribed   aim of the CVVHF connection was to perform RRT, its
           ultrafiltration  volume  is  calculated  and  programmed   duration was determined by the dynamics of the renal
           according  to  the  level  of  volemia  in  each  specific   dysfunction and the clinical state of the child.
           case.  The determining factors are as follows: CVP
           and Pla, pulmonary artery pressure, ventricular end-  The use of methods of extracorporeal blood purification
           diastolic  volumes,  the  volume  of  necessary  infusion   should be considered a “bridge” to the recovery of
           and transfusion therapy and nutritional support. Only   kidney function. Given the obvious need to control the
           one day after connecting CVVHF to an ECMO circuit,   electrolyte, acid-base and water balance in patients
           we observed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in CVP   with  AKI,  the  use  of  CVVHF  may  be  considered  a
           and Pla  to 15  (14-17) and  16.5 (14-18.75)  mmHg,   method of supporting kidney function that is similar
           respectively. When CVP reached 8-12 mmHg and       to  breathing  assistance  by  mechanical  ventilation
           Pla  10-14  mmHg,  the  RRT  mode  was  switched  to   or cardiac and respiratory support by ECMO. [19,21]
           isovolemic ultrafiltration [Figure 2].             The  primary  goal  of  RRT  is  to  prevent  undesirable
                                                              additional effects by reducing uremic intoxication and
           Since  a  significant  amount  of  liquid  is  exchanged   maintaining  the  “internal  environment”  as  close  to
           daily during CVVHF in conjunction with ECMO,       the physiological state as possible, without adversely
           the use of automated volumetric control devices    affecting the functions of the patient’s vital organs and
           (infusomats) is a prerequisite to avoid possible   system. [20]
           errors and maintain clear liquid balance. It should
           be noted that passive (non-automated) ultrafiltration   EXTRACORPOREAL BLOOD
           in CVVHF is always associated with an inaccurate
           calculation of the liquid balance and is dangerous,   PURIFICATION IN INTENSIVE CARE
           particularly in children weighing up to 10 kg. [20]  PATIENTS WITH ACUTE LIVER FAILURE

           According to the proposed scheme (CVVHF + ECMO     Acute liver failure  (ALF) is a rare but severe  and
           in single circuit), a substitute is administered in one of   life-threatening  condition  in patients after cardiac
           the  patient’s  central  veins  (v.  femoralis,  v.  subclavia   surgery.  In  most  cases, ALF  develops in the  setting
           or v. jugularis) by means of infusomat.  The type of   of MODS.  The frequency of MODS  in patients after
           replacement solution is determined directly in each   cardiac surgery with CPB is relatively low,  but the
           case, depending on the level of potassium and other   occurrence of liver dysfunction increases mortality to
           blood electrolytes. As a substitute, we used crystalloid   almost absolute values. [22-24]  Despite the progress of
           solutions  of  Duosol  (BBRAUN,  Germany)  with    conservative treatment for ALF and the development of
           bicarbonate buffer and variable potassium content   new therapeutic recommendations, blood purification
           (2 or 4 mmol/L). The hemofiltration “dose” is set at a   continues to  play an important role in this  case.
                                                              Extracorporeal  methods have the ability  to eliminate
                                                              both hydrophobic  albumin-bound  and water-soluble
                                                              substances, thereby limiting the extent of hepatocyte
                                                              damage and providing  time for  the organ’s  recovery
                                                              or performing liver transplantation for the patient. [25,26]
                                                              Extracorporeal therapy also helps achieve one of the
                                                              most important goals in this case -- increasing  the
                                                              albumin binding capacity by eliminating albumin-bound
                                                              toxic substances.

                                                              Currently, there are two groups of extracorporeal
           Figure 2: Dynamics of CVP and Pla during CVVHF in conjunction   methods  to support  liver  functions: the systems
           with  ECMO.  CVP:  central  venous  pressure;  Pla:  left  atrial
           pressure; CVVHF: continuous veno-venous hemofiltration; ECMO:   containing cells (human or animal hepatocytes), and
           extracorporeal membrane oxygenation                techniques without biological substrates.
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