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Yaroustovsky et al. Vessel Plus 2017;1:49-60                                      Vessel Plus
           DOI: 10.20517/2574-1209.2017.11
            Review                                                                              Open Access

           Blood purification in intensive care

           patients with multiple organ dysfunction

           syndrome and sepsis after cardiac surgery

           Michael Yaroustovsky, Marina Abramyan, Ekaterina Komardina, Helen Nazarova

           Federal State Budget Institution (Bakulev National Scientific and Practical Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery, Bakulev NSPCCS), the Ministry of
           Healthcare of the Russian Federation, 121552 Moscow, Russia.
           Correspondence to: Prof. Michael Yaroustovsky, Federal State Budget Institution (Bakulev National Scientific and Practical Centre for Cardiovascular
           Surgery, Bakulev NSPCCS), the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Rublevskoe highway, 135, 121552 Moscow, Russia.
           How to cite this article: Yaroustovsky M, Abramyan M, Komardina E, Nazarova H. Blood purification in intensive care patients with multiple organ
           dysfunction syndrome and sepsis after cardiac surgery. Vessel Plus 2017;1:49-60.

                              Prof. Michael Yaroustovsky, the Chief of the Department of Detoxication and Endoscopy at Bakoulev Scientific
                              Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Corresponding Member of RAS, is a well-known Russian scientist who has
                              made significant contributions to the development of modern technologies of extracorporeal blood purification
                              in the treatment of critical states. He owns the absolute priority in the development and the introduction into
                              the clinical practice of Russian clinics of modern methods of correction and maintaining homeostasis, including
                              albumin dialysis, combined plasma filtration and adsorption, selective hemoperfusion, etc. at extremely severe
                              contingent of patients of different age groups having multiple organ failure and septic complications after
                              cardiac surgery. He is the author of more than 270 scientific articles, including 7 monographs and the first
                              Russian manual on Blood purification in Intensive Care.
            Article history:              Extracorporeal  blood  purification  is  becoming  increasingly  important  in  intensive  therapy
            Received: 11-04-2017          for  multiple  organ  dysfunction  syndrome  (MODS)  and  sepsis,  considering  all  of  their
            Accepted: 08-06-2017          pathophysiological  aspects.  The  results  of  treatment,  particularly  in  children,  considering
            Published: 27-06-2017         their  anatomical  and  physiological  features,  are  related  to  the  severity  and  progression  of
                                          organ failure, the indications that are found, the choice of method, and the timely initiation
            Key words:                    of blood purification. Multiple organ support therapy is the aim of introducing and applying
            Extracorporeal blood purification,  blood purification today. Various extracorporeal blood purification techniques directly affect
            acute kidney injury,          the molecular and electrolyte composition of blood and influence all structures of the human
            acute liver failure,          body, which can allow us to correct, recover, replace and maintain homeostasis in MODS. The
            extracorporeal membrane       potential of new extracorporeal molecular technologies allows their successful use in severe
            oxygenation,                  cardiac and respiratory failure, acute kidney injury and hepatic dysfunction and in complex
            sepsis,                       therapy for severe infections and sepsis and extreme metabolic violations. Adult and pediatric
            selective lipopolysaccharide-  patients after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass form a special cohort that often
            adsorption,                   requires the application of various intra- and extracorporeal techniques due to the development
            critical condition,           of MODS, infections and sepsis in the postoperative period.
            cardiovascular surgery

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