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Vakhtangadze et al.                                                                                                                                                                       Myocardial ischemia in women

           Similar results have been obtained in other studies. In   The difference between men and women also exists
           2015, Lee et al. [15]  published the results of a prospective   in stable coronary syndromes. As noted above, in the
           study that evaluated patients with non-obstructive CAD.   WISE study, only 38% of women with a stable coronary
           Overall, 77% of patients in the cohort were women;   syndrome had severe obstructive CAD, and the rest
           44% of all patients had endothelial dysfunction, 21%   (62%) showed evidence of non-obstructive CAD. [13,14,17,20]
           had microvascular impairment, and 5% had a reduced
           fractional  flow  reserve.  In  23%  of  cases,  it  was  not   CORONARY MICROVASCULAR DYSFUNCTION
           possible to determine the cause of coronary symptoms.
           This study confirmed the results of previous studies [16-18]    Myocardial ischemia is usually caused by narrowing of
           indicating that while the symptoms of CAD are well   epicardial coronary arteries. Over the past 30 years,
           understood, women tend to develop symptoms 10-15   however,  many  studies have revealed that  impaired
           years later than men, and have more risk factors by the   coronary microcirculation can also lead or contribute to
           time of symptom onset. The study by Lee et al. [15]  did   the development of ischemia of myocardial cells.
           not evaluate the influence of hormonal factors on the
           clinical presentation of symptoms.                 Most of the articles published on myocardial ischemia
                                                              have been designed to evaluate coronary obstruction
           Thus, an incomplete understanding of the sex-specific   and to determine strategies for the early detection of
           physiology of myocardial ischemia and underdeveloped   obstructive CAD. However,  there is lack of  research
           diagnostic and  treatment  options may  lead to  the   on detection  of ischemia  in patients with normal
           inadequate management of a large proportion of the   or non-obstructive coronary  arteries, which mainly
           population and a large number of women without signs   present in women. As previously mentioned, women
           of obstructive CAD at coronary angiography presenting   are less likely than men to undergo  diagnostic  or
           with symptom-related disability. All of this consumes a   preventive measures. Since the 1980s, the information
           considerable amount of healthcare resources. [6]   about microvascular disease has expanded. In 2007,
                                                              Camici and Crea  [23]  evaluated clinical  settings in
           A European study published in 2012 found that angina   which  myocardial  ischemia  occurs and proposed  a
           in patients with normal blood vessels or non-obstructive   classification  of  coronary  microvascular  dysfunction
           atherosclerosis was associated with an increased risk   (CMVD)  based  on  the  underlying  diseases  in  which
           of  the combined endpoint of  cardiovascular  death,   it occurs (e.g. obstructive CAD, cardiomyopathy, and
           hospitalization  due to myocardial infarction, heart   systemic diseases). Their classification is as follows:
           failure, or stroke of up to 52% in the case of patients   • Class 1: CMVD in the absence of obstructive
           with normal coronary arteries and 85% in those with   CAD and myocardial diseases.
           non-obstructive coronary atherosclerosis. In addition,   • Class 2: CMVD in the presence of myocardial
           these patients  had an increased risk  of  all-cause   diseases.
           mortality of up to 29% and 52%, respectively, with       • Class 3: CMVD in the presence of obstructive
           no differences between  men and women.  [19]  Such   CAD.
           physiological patterns have also been reported in other   • Class 4: CMVD caused by coronary recana-
           studies evaluating invasive and non-invasive coronary   lization (i.e. iatrogenic).
           flow reserve. [20,21]  All of these findings demonstrate the
           importance of evaluating and managing women with   In an everyday setting, it is very difficult to distinguish
           non-obstructive CAD.                               the forms of CMVD because small coronary arteries
                                                              cannot be visualized by angiography. During invasive
           Morphological studies have shown that the development   investigations, complex, time-consuming, and costly
           of myocardial  infarction is based on plaque  rupture,   methods are required to carefully assess the function
           plaque ulceration, and plaque calcification. [22]  Plaque   of the coronary microcirculation. In patients suspected
           erosion/ulceration  is another pathophysiological   of having microvascular  angina,  accepted  hallmarks
           mechanism  of myocardial  infarction. In this case,   of myocardial  ischemia,  such as stress-induced  left
           damage of  the integrity of  the plaque cap leads to   ventricular contractile alterations, [23-26]   are usually
           the development of a thrombus, with emboli from the   undetectable.  A sparse distribution  of myocardial
           plaque  travelling to areas distal to the plaque  and   ischemia  in  a  patient  presenting  with  CMVD  is,
           eventually blocking the lumen of the vessel. In most   on  one  hand,  sufficient  to  produce  ECG  changes
           cases, this mechanism underlies the development of   and myocardial  perfusion  defects on single-photon
           myocardial  infarcts in women,  and this type of non-  emission computed tomography (SPECT); but, on the
           obstructive  atherosclerosis  of coronary  arteries  is   other hand, might not result in detectable contractile
           found more commonly in women with myocardial       abnormalities  because  of normal function of the
           infarction than in men. [14,17,20-22]              surrounding myocardial tissue. [26,27]

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