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Todua et al.                                                                                                                                               Homocysteine in pulmonary artery thromboembolism

           [Table  1]. MLCT and  pulmoangiography  revealed   revealing an anatomic picture of the disease. [7,9]
           pulmonary infarction of various sizes and localization
           in 13 (24%) patients, while in 41 (76%) patients, these   On  the  basis  of  numerous  results,  obtained  during
           signs were absent. According to the statistics, PATE   the investigation of haemostasis and homocysteine,
           causes complications in the form of infarction in 10-  according to which homocysteine can cause a
           30% of cases.                                      damaging effect on thrombocytes, the interdependence
                                                              between  the  rate  of  D-dimer  changes  and  observed
           DISCUSSION                                         hyperhomocysteinemia  becomes  evident.  Moderate
                                                              hyperhomocysteinemia,  up  to  19.0  μmol/L  not
           Pulmonary  angiography  is a gold  standard of PATE   complicated  with thromboembolism  was observed
           diagnostics. However, this method is invasive, causes   in patients with vein thrombosis in inferior limbs. [7,11]
           various complications and is not widely available.   If  we take considering  that even moderate
           In most cases, PATE diagnosis  is based  on the    hyperhomocysteinemia  can  cause  oxidative  stress
           combination of laboratory tests and radio-diagnostics,   (homocysteine oxidation results in the formation of free
           such as perfusive radionuclide  scintigraphy  and   radicals, which activate the formation of thrombi, in turn
           echocardiography  (cardiac ultrasound), which reveal   resulting in hypercoagulation),  then the mechanism
           indirect  symptoms of embolism  (dilatation  of the   of  the results observed in patients with thrombosis
           right ventricle of heart and pulmonary hypertension),   of  proximal  deep  veins  and  in  thromboembolism  of
           observed in severe forms  of  PATE.  CT  allows the   pulmonary artery becomes evident. [11,12]
           visualisation  of pulmonary  arteries and thrombi
           themselves, as well as the ability to assess structures   It  can  be  concluded  that  multilayer  CT
           of mediastinum and parenchyma,  which  is the main   pulmoangiography  is  a   non-invasive   highly
           advantage of CT. According to some authors, two thirds   informative method, providing a very low level
           of patients with suspected PATE were diagnosed as   of  complications,  and  is  thus  indicated  for  acute
           having aorta dissection, pneumonia, lung carcinoma,   PATE  diagnostics,  and  for  control  of  the  disease
           and  pneumothorax.  In  addition,  the  presence  of   dynamics after anticoagulation treatment. Moderate
           complicated   pulmonary   embolism    (pulmonary   hyperhomocysteinemia, observed in cases of vein
           infarction, pleural effusion, re-induced vascular picture)   thrombosis of inferior limbs, uncomplicated by PATE,
           is possible. [5,8]                                 deserves further attention to determine the fate
                                                              of these patients and the appropriate treatment to
           With the introduction of high resolution multilayer CT, all   provide. The changes in homocysteine levels can be
           the problems associated with the lack of accuracy using   considered as a separate independent factor for PATE
           spiral CT in PATE diagnostics have been overcome.   diagnostics. The  interdependence  between  D-dimer
           Using of 14-16 and 64-layer CT decreases the number   and concomitant hyperhomocysteinemia can be used
           of unrevealed  cases of deseases.  Furthermore,    not only for diagnostics, but also for the assessment
           visualization of proximal, lobar, and more distal artery   of the effectiveness of PATE treatment.
           branches  (at segmental  and  sub-segmental  levels)
           is provided, revealing peripheral emboli, with precise   Authors’ contributions
           assessment of their extent being possible. [9]
                                                              Concept: F. Todua
           Moreover, to reveal deep vein thromboses, it is    Design: M. Akhvlediani
           possible to combine chest examination with vein CT   Definition  of  intellectual  content:  M.  Akhvlediani,  E.
           angiography.                                       Vorobiova
                                                              Literature search: A. Baramidze

           Using reconstructive images, left and right ventricles   Clinical studies: F. Todua, G. Tsivtsivadze
           in  axial  and  four-chamber  projections  can  be   Data acquisition: G. Tsivtsivadze
           assessed and measured. Right ventricle dilation is an   Statistical analysis: A. Baramidze
           unfavourable prognostic factor. [10]               Manuscript preparation, editing and review: M.
                                                              Akhvlediani, E. Vorobiova
           We  recommend  CT  examination  to  be  performed   Financial support and sponsorship
           at  3 months after  diagnosis of  PATE,  as this  period
           is  sufficient  for  thrombus  resolution.  Perfusive   None.
           radionuclide  scintigraphy,  recommended for  a  more
           accurate diagnosis is characterized with high radiation   Conflicts of interest
           exposure,  compared  to  MLCT,  and  is  not  useful  for   There are no conflicts of interest.
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