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Todua et al.                                                                                                                                               Homocysteine in pulmonary artery thromboembolism

           INTRODUCTION                                       diseases, such as venous  and arterial  thromboses,
                                                              pulmonary embolism, stroke and myocardial infarction.
           Pulmonary artery thromboembolism (PATE) is an acute   Hyperhomocysteinemia can suppress a whole range
           occlusion of the pulmonary trunk, or its branches, with   of anti-coagulating  mechanisms, which involve the
           thrombi, formed in the veins of the greater circulation,   mediation of the vascular endothelium in pathological
           or in the cavities of the right section of the heart. Modern   processes, and as a result, even a moderate increase
           medical literature uses the term pulmonary embolism.   in homocysteine levels in the blood can cause not only
           More than 500,000 cases of pulmonary embolism are   arterial thrombosis and atherosclerosis, but also vein
           diagnosed annually. [1-3]                          thrombosis. [6-8]

           Modern diagnostics of PATE  have faced substantial   Evaluation of D-dimer levels has an active application
           difficulties, associated with polymorphism of developing   in current clinical  practice, and provides  additional
           clinical syndromes; suddenness  and catastrophic   information  for thrombosis  diagnostics  (D-dimers
           speed  of disease  development,  and  the lack of   are molecules  that circulate in the blood during the
           highly informative methods of investigation (perfusive   development of thrombi, which can be resolved under
           scintigraphy of the lungs, pulmoangiography) in some   the action of a fibrinolytic system). [9,10]
           hospitals. [3-5]
           The diagnostic problems that need to be solved when
           patients have suspected PATE are:                  The aim of our investigation was to assess the
           (1) to confirm the presence of an embolism;        importance of measuring D-dimer and homocysteine
           (2) to   determine   the   exact   location   of   the   levels, along with the use of  multilayer computer
           thromboembolism in pulmonary vessels;              tomography  (CT), in the diagnosis  of patients  with
           (3) to  determine  the  rate  of  embolic  damage  of   suspected PATE.
           pulmonary vessel beds;
           (4) to assess the haemodynamic state in the greater   We examined 54 patients (31 males and 23 females)
           circulation and the lesser circulation;            from 18 to 76 years of age, who were suffering
           (5) to  ascertain  the  source  of  the  embolism  and  to   from conditions  and complaints  that are typical of
           assess the probability of relapse.                 PATE,  such as chest  pain, haemoptysis, dyspnoea,
                                                              tachycardia, arterial hypotension and signs of  vein
           Venous thromboembolism  (VTE)  is associated with   thrombosis in the inferior limbs. In 51 patients (94.4%),
           a 5% to 27% annual  risk of recurrence  after the   PATE was evident in different localizations at varying
           discontinuation  of anticoagulant  (AC) therapy, and   rates of severity.
           indefinite AC treatment is recommended if the bleeding
           risk is low-to-moderate.  However, in one-third  of   A total of 27 healthy persons,  with an average age
           patients with unprovoked VTE, the risk of recurrence   of 52.3 ± 1.3 years old, formed a control group. The
           is so low (< 3% per year) that AC therapy > 3 months   investigation was randomized, as we did not include
           may not be necessary. [4,5]                        patients with normal  values of D-dimer, and there
                                                              were no patients with the above mentioned complains
           Pulmoangiography is the method of choice in pulmonary   (chest pain, haemoptysis, dyspnoea,  tachycardia,
           embolism  diagnostics.  However,  this  examination  is   arterial hypotension and signs of vein thrombosis in
           associated with discomfort, elevated cost, and the risk   the inferior limbs). All investigations were conducted at
           of serious complications, typical of invasive procedures.   the Research Institute of Clinical Medicine.
           Ventilation-perfusion  scintigraphy is widely used at
           the initial stage of revealing pulmonary embolism, but   D-dimer  levels were  measured  in  patients  with
           the validity of the method is limited due to numerous   suspected PATE using enzyme-linked immunosorbent
           uncertain  conclusions. Precise presentation  of   assays. Patients with D-dimer levels > 500 ng/L were
           pulmonary architectonics has become possible since   subjected to ultrasonic scanning of proximal veins of
           the invention of spiral, and then multilayer scanners,   inferior limbs with compression, and to multilayer CT.
           which can provide a higher accuracy of diagnostics. [3,5]  Homocysteine levels were measured by an enzymatic
                                                              method using  the biochemical  analyser  COBAS
           It  should also be noted that numerous retrospective   INTEGRA 400 PLUS (Roche Diagnostics).
           and prospective investigations have shown  a close
           interdependence  between homocysteine (a sulphur-  Multilayer  CT  (МLCТ)  was  carried  out  using  the
           containing amino acid that is an intermediate product of   Siemens SOMATOM  Sensation 16 Cardiac. During
           methionine and cysteine exchange) and cardiovascular   MLCT-pulmoangiography  after  native  examination  of
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