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Sobenin et al.                                                                                                                                                                                    Desialylated LDL in diabetes

           Table 4: Relative electrophoretic mobility of sialylated   present study, desialylated LDL from diabetic patients
           and desialylated LDL fractions                     was  additionally  examined  by  density,  particle  size,
                                    Relative LDL mobility     and electrophoretic mobility to obtain a more complete
                               Sialylated LDL  Desialylated LDL  physicochemical  characterization of this atherogenic
           Healthy subjects      1.00 (0.07)    1.27 (0.19)   LDL fraction.
           Type 1 diabetic patients  1.05 (0.10)  1.55 (0.17)*
           Type 2 diabetic patients  1.29 (0.21)  1.85 (0.29)*  The density distribution profile of desialylated LDL from
           *Significant difference from sialylated LDL, P < 0.05. LDL: low-  diabetic patients differed from that of sialylated LDL,
           density lipoprotein                                evidently owing to the presence of denser particles.
                                                              While this difference in LDL density between sialylated
           DISCUSSION                                         and desialylated LDL  was also observed in non-
                                                              diabetic  individuals, it was markedly  distinct among
           We have shown  previously that blood  sera taken   diabetics. Desialylated LDL was also characterized by
           from diabetic  patients, in contrast to sera from non-  diminished particle size, approximately by 1.2-fold as
           diabetic individuals, can induce cholesterol deposition   compared with sialylated LDL.
           in cultured cells derived from uninvolved human aortic
           intima, mainly because of LDL. [13]  LDL particles carry   It has been shown that sdLDL was characterized as
           a variety of modifications, which are usually inherently   highly atherogenic, and its level strongly correlated with
           atherogenic, unlike native LDL. [10]   The increase of   cardiovascular disease risk. [15,16]  The presence of sdLDL
           a  fraction  of  modified  LDL  can  cause  disruption  of   is claimed to be highly associated with atherosclerosis
           lipid metabolism  and contribute to  the development   development, and several studies have attempted
           of atherosclerotic  and  metabolic  diseases  such as   to identify the risk of ischemic atherosclerotic events
           diabetes. According  to  Tsai  et al., [30]   modified  LDL   according to  LDL subclass pattern. [15,16,18]  The higher
           levels were significantly higher in stroke survivors, thus   prevalence of small dense LDL has been associated
           attributing it as a risk factor for stroke outcome.
                                                              with cardiovascular  events, acute ischemic stroke
           LDL  particles in humans are heterogeneous  in a   onset, and short-term mortality after  acute ischemic
           polysaccharide moiety, and contain a single molecule   stroke.   Our data demonstrate that in the blood of
           of apolipoprotein B-100 per particle, and also 80-100   the same patient, there are at least two distinct forms
           molecules of secondary proteins, approximately 1,500   of LDL differing by particle size and density. Obviously,
           molecules of esterified and non-esterified cholesterol,   the LDL pattern would strongly depend on what LDL
           and a varying amount of other lipids. [31]  It is possible   fraction prevails in circulation.
           to divide the LDL pool into two different sub-fractions
           [sialylated (sialic acid-rich) LDL  and desialylated   The most prominent feature of desialylated  LDL
           (sialic acid-poor)  LDL]. Such separation is possible   is its ability to induce intracellular  cholesterol
           by using a column with RCA  immobilized on CNBr-   accumulation. [12,13,23,32]  We have found previously
           activated agarose. [12,21]  Compared with sialylated   that LDL atherogenicity in CAD patients and diabetic
           LDL, desialylated LDL particles are smaller in size   patients correlates negatively with sialic acid levels. [13]
           and contain more oxysterols, and less phospholipids   Indeed, in vitro studies have shown that desialylated
           and  antioxidants. [12]  In terms of the ability  to induce   LDL treated with neuraminidase,  which removes the
           intracellular deposition of lipids, the desialylated LDL   sialic acid residues, results in a significant increase in
           fraction is atherogenic. [12,23,32]   Several studies have   LDL potency to induce lipid accumulation in cultured
           reported an elevation of sialic acid serum levels in CHD   monocyte-macrophages  or intimal cells. [32]  However,
           patients, and also on its correlation with the severity of   whether the loss of sialic acid in circulating LDL is the
           the coronary lesions. [33]  Diabetic patients’ LDL, by the   primary reason for their atherogenicity, remains unclear.
           first approach, appeared to have a decreased level of   The  so-called desialylated  LDL  is  characterized by
           sialic acid, and further investigations have shown that   several  alterations  to its chemical  composition  and
           this was due to an increased proportion of desialylated   physical properties, low sialic acid level being only
           LDL  fraction  in  patients’  blood  and  a  greater  extent   one attribute of a wider scope of changes including the
           of  its  desialylation. [13,14]   This LDL  fraction was also   density, size, and electric charge of particles. [12,18,23]
           characterized  by increased  non-enzymatic  glycation
           and altered lipid composition, namely,  decreased   Desialylated LDL showed higher mobility on agarose gel
           content  of  esterified  cholesterol  and  elevated  level   electrophoresis, thereby indicating that this LDL fraction
           of  lyso-phospholipids. [13,14]   Taken together,  these   has an elevated surface net charge, i.e. is a more
           findings  indicate  that  this  LDL  fraction  with  multiple   electronegative LDL particle. [18]  It is definitely known that
           modifications has marked atherogenic potency. In the   numerous techniques of in vitro LDL modification (e.g.

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