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Sobenin et al.                                                                                                                                                                                    Desialylated LDL in diabetes

           (desialylated)  LDL]  using  affinity  chromatography  on   the  whole  set  of  experiments  was  performed  in  the
           Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA )-agarose (Sigma   primary  culture obtained  from one autopsy  sample.
           Chemical  Co.,  St.  Louis, MO)  as  described elsewhere.    The results were reproduced twice in primary cultures
           Briefly,  approximately  2  mg  of  LDL  (by  protein)  was   obtained from two other autopsy samples and, hence,
           applied on the column containing 2 mL of the affinity gel   considered reliable. The  autopsy material was taken
           equilibrated with PBS. Non-bound (sialylated) LDL was   from men aged 52-62 years who had died suddenly in
           washed from the gel with 30 volumes of PBS containing   an accident. The cells were suspended in Medium 199
           0.5 mol/L NaCl, and bound (desialylated) LDL was   containing standard additives: 2 mmol/L L-glutamine,
           eluted with 5 volumes of PBS containing 50 mmol/L   100 U/mL penicillin, 100 μg/mL streptomycin, 2.5 μg/mL
           galactose (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO). LDL   Fungizone, and 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). Cells were
           fractions were adjusted with solid NaBr to a density of   seeded onto 24-well tissue culture plates at a density
           1.065 g/mL and concentrated by ultracentrifugation. For   of 3 × 10  cells/cm  of growth area, and  cultured at
           cell culture experiments, aliquots of LDL preparations   37 ºC in a humidified CO -incubator (95% air and 5%
           were  dialyzed  against  PBS  and  sterilized  by  filtration   CO ). The medium was changed every other day. On
           (pore size, 0.45 μm). The larger portions of LDL fractions   the 7th day in culture, the total, non-bound, and bound
           were  subdivided  in  a  density  gradient  as  described   LDL fractions (50 μg/mL) were added in quadruplicate
           elsewhere. [22,23]   Briefly,  total,  non-bound,  and  bound   in Medium  199 containing  10% human  lipoprotein-
           LDL were dialyzed against 2000 volumes  of  NaCl/  deficient serum (LDS). Control cells were incubated in
           NaBr solution with a density of 1.050 g/mL overnight   Medium 199 containing 10% LDS without LDL addition.
           at 4 ºC. The gradients were formed into 14 × 95-mm   After 24 h of incubation, cells were rinsed thoroughly
           tubes by successively layering 2.6 mL of NaCl/KBr   with PBS, and cellular lipids were extracted thrice with
           solutions  having  densities  of  1.1289,  1.0637,  1.0500   n-hexane/isopropanol (3:2, v/v) according to Hara and
           (containing the LDL sample), 1.0398, and 1.0282 g/mL.   Radin’s  protocol. [24]   Total  cholesterol  in  the  extracts
           The gradients were centrifuged for 42 h in a Beckman   was determined enzymatically. [25]  Cellular protein was
           L-80 ultracentrifuge  (Beckman  Instruments  Inc.,  Palo   measured according to Lowry et al. [26]
           Alto, CA) using  Type SW40Ti swinging bucket rotor
           operated at 36,000 g at 10 ºC. After centrifugation, the   Electrophoresis
           gradients were fractionated by upward  displacement   The aliquots of LDL samples (20 μg LDL by protein)
           with KBr solution (density, 1.300 g/mL) at a speed of   were run on agarose gel films (Ciba Corning Diagnostics
           0.5 mL/min (Isco Density Gradient Fractionator, Model   GmbH,  Giessen, Germany) according to  Lipid
           640, Isco, Lincoln, NE). The absorbance of the effluent   Research Clinics Manual of Laboratory Operations. [27]
           was monitored with an Isco UA-5 absorbance detector   The same LDL sample from healthy donors was used
           (Isco, Lincoln, NE) at 280 nm, and 0.4 mL fractions were   as the reference sample throughout all experiments,
           collected. Equal salt gradients without LDL were run and   and its mobility was assumed as 1.00. Nondenaturing
           fractionated simultaneously, and the densities of these   polyacrylamide  gradient  gel electrophoresis  was
           fractions  were  measured  to  reconstruct  the  density   run on continuous 2-16% gradient gels as described
           profile  of  the  gradient  (DMA  45  Calculating  Digital   elsewhere. [28]  After gel staining with Coomassie Brilliant
           Density Meter, Anton Paar, Graz, Austria).         Blue R-250, LDL-migration  distance  was measured
                                                              by  scanning densitometry at  560 nm.  LDL  particle
           Cell culture studies                               size was calculated according to the calibration curve
           Subendothelial  cells were isolated  from uninvolved   reconstructed  from migration  distances  of standards
           human aortic intima by dispersion  with 0.15%      with  known  diameters  using  Exponential  Curve  Fit
           collagenase.  Subendothelial cells represented  a   utility in the Sigmaplot 12.0 program package.
           mix  of  typical  smooth  muscle  cells  (about  30-40%),
           atypical  (pericyte-like  or stellate) smooth-muscle   Other analyses
           cells (about 40-45%), resident macrophages  (3-8%),   LDL  sialic acid content was measured according
           and very small number of cells that migrated from   to  Warren’s  modified  method. [29]  LDL protein  was
           circulation (monocytes and lymphocytes). Because   measured according to Lowry et al. [26]
           atherosclerosis develops only in the subendothelial
           intima, this type of  primary culture is adequate for   Statistical methods
           reproducing in vitro the major traits of atherogenesis   Results are reported as mean and standard deviation
           at the cellular level (e.g. lipid deposition, proliferation,   (SD). Significance of differences was evaluated using
           fibrosis,  and  inflammation),  although  this  model  has   ANOVA and Mann-Whitney tests (IBM SPSS 20.0
           certain limitations with the respect to inter-experiment   statistical program package), and P values < 0.05 were
           standardization. These limitations were avoided when   considered statistically significant.
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