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Sobenin et al.                                                                                                                                                                                    Desialylated LDL in diabetes

           INTRODUCTION                                       on the desialylated LDL isolated from the blood of
                                                              diabetic patients and healthy individuals, to examine
           Accelerated coronary and  peripheral  vascular     their distribution by hydrated density and the relationship
           atherosclerosis  is the most common long-term      between the LDL density and atherogenicity.
           complication of  diabetes mellitus. [1-3]  The  mortality
           rate of coronary heart disease (CHD)  is up to four   METHODS
           times higher in diabetic than nondiabetic individuals.
           Therefore, CHD is the leading  cause of  death in   Patients
           diabetic patients. [4-6]  Many factors contribute  to the   This study was conducted in accordance  with the
           increased  rate of atherosclerosis  progression  in   Helsinki Declaration of  1975 as  revised in 1983. It
           diabetes, including alterations in plasma lipid profile,   was approved by the local ethics committee of the
           platelet function, clotting factors, metabolism of arterial   Institute for  Atherosclerosis Research, Skolkovo
           wall cells, and elevated blood pressure. The precise   Innovation  Center, Moscow, Russia.  All participants
           mechanisms  of premature  atherogenesis  in  diabetic   gave their written informed consent prior to inclusion
           patients, however, remain unclear.                 in the study. The study group comprised of 10 type 1
                                                              diabetic patients, 10 type 2 diabetic patients, and 10
           At  the cellular level, the deposition  of intracellular   healthy control subjects, free from coronary artery
           cholesterol in the arterial wall and subsequent foam-  disease [Table 1]. The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
           cell formation is a typical feature of early atherosclerotic   was  verified  according  to  the  1997  criteria  by  the
           lesions.   Low-density lipoprotein  (LDL) has been   Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification
           associated  with  sourcing  of accumulating  lipids. [6,8,9]   of Diabetes Mellitus (ADA), 1998 WHO consultation
           However, LDL isolated from healthy individuals failed to   criteria, and 1985 WHO criteria. [19]   Type 1 diabetic
           produce notable cholesterol accumulation in cultured   patients were on insulin therapy, and type 2 diabetic
           arterial  smooth  muscle cells  or  macrophages. [10,11]   It   patients were treated with oral hypoglycemic agents,
           was hence accepted that LDL is required to undergo   namely sulfonylurea derivatives.
           structural  alterations  or  chemical  modifications  to
           become atherogenic. [12]   However,  modified  LDL   LDL isolation,  lectin chromatography, and
           particles are still not considered as clinical biomarkers   density fractionation
           or therapeutic targets because of insufficient evidence.
           Therefore, additional studies, both basic and clinical,   Venous blood (15 mL) was drawn after overnight
           are necessary to fill the existing gap in the knowledge.  fasting in plastic tubes containing 0.1% EDTA. Plasma
                                                              was  separated  by  centrifugation,  and  ε-aminocaproic
           Previously, we have  shown that LDL from diabetic   acid  (1  mmol/L)  was  added.  LDL  (density,  1.025-
           patients, unlike LDL from healthy individuals, is able   1.063 g/mL) was isolated by sequential preparative
           to  induce  significant  lipid  deposition  in  cultured  cells   ultracentrifugation according to Lindgren   in a Beckman
           derived from uninvolved (non-atherosclerotic) human   L8-55 ultracentrifuge (Beckman Instruments Inc., Palo
           aortic intima. [13]   LDL  from  diabetic patients was   Alto, CA) using Type 50Ti fixed angle rotor operated at
           subdivided into two fractions by lectin chromatography   40,000 g at 10 ºC, and sterilized by filtration (pore size,
           on Ricinus  communis  agarose,  wherein  bound     0.45 μm). The LDL preparations were dialyzed against
           (desialylated)  LDL  showed substantial dissimilarity   2,000 volumes of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at
           with non-bound (native) LDL with respect to chemical   pH 7.4, overnight at 4 ºC. LDL was subfractionated into
           composition  and  atherogenic  properties,  i.e. it was   two fractions [non-bound (sialylated) LDL and bound
           just a fraction of  in vivo  modified  LDL  presumably   Table 1: Demographic findings and subject characteristics
           responsible for lipid accumulation in cultured cells. [13,14]  of study groups
                                                                             Healthy  Type 1 diabetic Type 2 diabetic
           In the past few years, it was demonstrated that even   Characteristic  subjects  patients  patients
           in healthy individuals, LDL is heterogeneous  in size   Gender, M/F  4:6       4:6         5:5
           and hydrated density, and the presence of small dense   Age, years  32.3 (2.1)  46.0 (17.7)    56.3 (3.5)*
           LDL  (sdLDL) in blood is associated with a higher   Diabetes, years  -      24.7 (17.0)  16.0 (6.1)
           risk of clinical  manifestations of atherosclerosis. [15-17]   Glycemia, mmol/L  4.6 (0.3)    9.1 (2.1)*    11.3 (1.8)*
           We  have  shown  that  multiple-modified  atherogenic   TG, mmol/L  1.6 (0.2)  1.7 (0.6)     2.2 (0.4)
           LDL occurring  in blood  of atherosclerotic  patients  is   Cho, mmol/L  4.7 (0.2)  5.2 (1.0)     5.5 (0.8)
           characterized also by increased hydrated density, and   HDL-Cho, mmol/L  1.3 (0.1)  1.4 (0.2)     1.3 (0.3)
           therefore may be easily regarded as sdLDL. [18]
                                                              *Significant difference from healthy subjects, P < 0.05. TG: plasma
                                                              triglycerides; Cho: plasma cholesterol; HDL-Cho: plasma high-
           This study was undertaken to obtain more information   density lipoprotein-cholesterol
            30                                                                                                                       Vessel Plus ¦ Volume 1 ¦ March 31, 2017
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