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Vakhtangadze et al.                                                                                                                                                                       Myocardial ischemia in women

           By the end of the 1990s, cardiovascular morbidity in   PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL  FEATURES  OF
           women started to drew particular attention, leading to   MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA IN WOMEN
           studies and intensive work by the world’s top cardiology
           societies. At the European Society of Cardiology 2005   In general, the pathophysiological  features of
           conference,  for example,  very interesting  data were   myocardial ischemia differ in women and men. There
           presented about the situation  in Europe.   It  was   is a significant amount of data implicating the influence
           revealed that:                                     of sex hormones on the presentation of chest pain and
                 • Women      are    underrepresented     in   electrocardiograph (ECG) changes.
           cardiovascular research and trials.
                 • Women are less likely to analyze the influence   In the mid-1990s, the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood
           of their  risk factors  on morbidity and mortality rates,   Institute sponsored the Women’s Ischemia Syndrome
           and awareness about CVD among women is low.        Evaluation (WISE) study, one of the cornerstones in the
                 • Women are less likely to undergo primary and   evaluation of myocardial ischemia in women, [12]  which
           secondary prevention.                              assessed 936 women with chest pain. The aims of the
                 • Women  seek  medical  care  less  often  than   study  were  to  optimize  the  evaluation  of  symptoms
           men.                                               and diagnostic tests; to explore the mechanisms  of
                 • Fewer  women  than  men  undergo  diagnostic   symptoms and of myocardial ischemia in the absence
           tests,  which results in a delay in diagnosis  and a   of epicardial coronary artery stenosis; and to evaluate
           resulting delay in treatment.                      the influence of reproductive hormones on symptoms
                                                              and the results of diagnostic tests. [12-14]
           Currently, the following  categories  of women’s
           cardiovascular  health  are provided  in modern    The  results  of  the  study  were  published  in  scientific
           guidelines: [10,11]                                papers over a long  period  of time. Based on these
                                                              results, four groups  of women  with chest pain  have
           High risk (at least one high-risk  state): clinical   been described:
           manifestations  of    coronary   heart   disease,        1. Women  with  severe  obstructive  coronary
           cerebrovascular  disease, peripheral  arterial disease,   artery disease (CAD) and myocardial ischemia.
           abdominal  aortic aneurysm, end-stage  or chronic        2. Women  with  obstructive  CAD  but  without
           kidney disease, diabetes, coronary heart disease with   myocardial ischemia.
           a 10-year risk > 10%.                                    3. Women  without  obstructive  CAD  but  with
                                                              myocardial ischemia.
           At risk (at least one  risk factor from the following):   4. Women without obstructive CAD and without
           tobacco  consumption,  arterial  hypertension  (systolic   myocardial ischemia.
           pressure > 120 mmHg, diastolic pressure > 80 mmHg, or
           treatment with antihypertensive drugs), total cholesterol   One of the conclusions of the WISE study: quality of life
           > 200  mg/dL, high-density  lipoprotein  cholesterol   is determined more by chest pain than by the presence
           <  50  mg/dL  or  treatment  of  dyslipidemia,  obesity   of myocardial ischemia.
           (especially central obesity), poor nutrition, low physical
           activity, family history of premature CVD occurring in a   Women  falling  into  the  above  categories  present
           first-degree relative in men aged < 55 years or women   daily at  medical facilities with  chest pain, dyspnea,
           aged < 65 years, the metabolic syndrome, evidence   or other symptoms,  and the proper differentiation of
           of subclinical atherosclerosis, poor exercise capacity   any underlying conditions  will  determine  the need
           on treadmill test and/or abnormal heart rate recovery,   for further investigations  and the most appropriate
           systemic autoimmune collagen vascular disease (e.g.   treatment options.  These underlying  conditions
           lupus, rheumatoid arthritis), history of pre-eclampsia,   are macrovascular diseases,  obstructive coronary
           gestational diabetes, or pregnancy-induced hypertension.  atherosclerosis, and microvascular disease.
           Ideal  cardiovascular health:  total cholesterol   Among  the  women  included  in  the  WISE  study,  37%
           < 200 mg/dL, arterial blood pressure < 120/80 mmHg,   did not have angiographic evidence of obstructive CAD;
           fasting glucose < 100 mg/dL, non-smoker, healthy diet.  rather,  they  presented  with  normal  or  nearly  normal
                                                              coronary arteries (< 20% stenosis). In 25% of women,
           Raising  awareness  of  gender-specific  risk  factors  will   non-obstructive CAD was found (at least one 20-50%
           have an impact on women’s cardiovascular health. The   stenosis). And in 38% of patients included in the study,
           purpose of this article is to evaluate the modern views   severe obstructive CAD was revealed (> 50% stenosis).
           with respect to the diagnostic tools used to determine   Therefore, 62% of women with angina included in the
           ischemia in women.                                 study did not have severe obstructive CAD. [12-14]

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