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Vakhtangadze et al.                                                                                                                                                                       Myocardial ischemia in women

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           will definitely diagnose ischemia due to microvascular   documents/downloadable/ucm_470704.pdf. [Last Accessed on 2017
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           stress test, further testing may be needed  to gain   6.   Vieira RD, Hueb W, Hlatky M, Favarato D, Rezende PC, Garzillo
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           and management of CMVD in such patients.              medicine, angioplasty, or surgery study (MASS) II trial. Circulation
           Authors’ contributions                             7.   Heidenreich  PA,  Trogdon  JG,  Khavjou  OA,  Butler  J,  Dracup  K,
           Study design: T. Vakhtangadze                         Ezekowitz  MD,  Finkelstein  EA,  Hong  Y,  Johnston  SC,  Khera  A,
                                                                 Lloyd-Jones DM, Nelson SA, Nichol G, Orenstein D, Wilson PW,
           Data collection: N. Gakhokidze                        Woo  YJ;  American  Heart  Association  Advocacy  Coordinating
           Manuscript writing: T. Vakhtangadze, N. Gakhokidze    Committee; Stroke Council; Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and
           Manuscript review: T. Vakhtangadze                    Intervention; Council on Clinical Cardiology; Council on Epidemiology
                                                                 and Prevention; Council on Arteriosclerosis; Thrombosis and Vascular
           Financial support and sponsorship                     Biology; Council on Cardiopulmonary; Critical Care; Perioperative
                                                                 and Resuscitation; Council on Cardiovascular Nursing; Council on the
           None.                                                 Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease; Council on Cardiovascular Surgery
                                                                 and Anesthesia, and Interdisciplinary Council on Quality of Care and
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