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Yaroustovsky et al.                                                                                                                                                     Blood purification in intensive care patients

           INTRODUCTION                                       advantages and limitations, which form an algorithm of
                                                              therapeutic protocol choice. [9,10]
           Extracorporeal  blood  purification  is  a  modern
           medical direction based on the modification of blood   Cardiosurgery patients with MODS form an extremely
           components outside the patient’s body aiming  to   serious group. First, one should pay attention to the
           change  their properties  or remove pathological   left  and  right  ventricle  efficiency,  level  of  preload,
           substances that cause or support the disease. The use   volume overload of pulmonary circulation and
           of these methods concerning  the pathophysiological   oxygenation index (PO /FiO ). At the time of initiating
           process allows us to achieve therapeutic effects, even   extracorporeal  therapy,  such  patients  usually
           when traditional methods are ineffective.          have severe gas exchange and hemodynamic
                                                              disturbances,  which require a multicomponent
           BLOOD PURIFICATION FOR ACUTE                       inotropic (epinephrine > 0.2 μg/kg/min, dobutamine
           KIDNEY INJURYIN PATIENTS WITH                      >  5  μg/kg/min,  dopamine  >  7  μg/kg/min)  and
           MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION                         mechanical circulatory support [intra-aortic balloon
           SYNDROME                                           counterpulsation  and  extracorporeal  membrane
                                                              oxygenation (ECMO)]. Patients with MODS have an
           Renal replacement therapy (RRT) is a routine method   increased preload  [central venous pressure (CVP)
           for  intensive care patients with acute kidney injury   > 18 mmHg, left atrial pressure (Pla) > 20 mmHg],
           (AKI). However, the incidence of isolated AKI in adult   low oxygenation index (PO /FiO  < 150), edematous
           intensive care unit (ICU) patients does not exceed   syndrome,  azotemia  (creatinine  >  350  μmol/L,
           5.7%;  up to 90% of the AKI in this group are part   urea > 25 mmol/L), and electrolyte (hyperkalemia)
           of a multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS),   and  metabolic  (lactic  acidosis)  disorders.  After
           indicating the severity of the patients’ condition. [2,3]    the  first  several  hours  of  dialysis,  hemofiltration,
           Similarly, AKI remains one of the serious complications   hemodiafiltration  (HD,  HF,  HDF),  we  observed
           after open heart surgery in children.  The reported   preload reduction (CVP and Pla decreased > 10%)
           incidence of AKI after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)   and  hemodynamic  stabilization  [cardiac  index,  left
           ranges from 23-52% with up to 17% of these patients   ventricular  ejection  fraction  (LVEF)  and  arterial
           require RRT.  It prolongs the duration of ICU stays up   pressure] against a background of inotropic support
           to 3-4 weeks and increases mortality up to 40-90%.    decline, up to 25% of the prescribed dose.
           Isolated pediatric AKI corresponds to only 15%, and it
           is more common in MODS. [6]                        In the pediatric ICU, the use of acute PD is justified
                                                              as the RRT method. PD does not adversely  affect
           The goal of extracorporeal blood purification in the ICU   hemodynamics; it requires no systemic anticoagulation
           today should be the treatment of MODS considering   or vascular access, and it excludes  the emergence
           the  pathophysiological  aspects  of  it  rather than the   of disequilibrium  syndrome. Moreover, this method
           classical RRT in AKI. [7,8]  The choice of the optimal blood   is  simple,  efficient  and  safe,  and  it  does  not  require
           purification modality is based on the ability to correct   complex expensive equipment.  The indications  for
           water-electrolyte  and metabolic  imbalances  and to   PD in children after cardiac surgery are oligo/anuria,
           decrease the manifestations of endo- and exotoxicosis,   hypervolemia,  edematous  syndrome  with cardiac
           and other homeostatic disorders, thereby improving   and  respiratory  insufficiency  progression,  azotemia
           survival of critically ill patients. Multiple organ support   and hyperkalemia. [5,11]  PD allows  one to decrease
           therapy is an effective clinical approach. Various   circulatory  insufficiency,  in  particular,  to  raise  mean
           systems and procedures  for extracorporeal  blood   arterial pressure (MAP) and LVEF with inotropic support
           purification  including  diffusion,  convection,  filtration,   decline,  to  normalize  ventricular  filling  pressure  and
           adsorption, and apheresis directly affect the molecular   preload and postload (CVP and Pla), to optimize the
           and electrolyte composition of the blood, allowing one   circulating blood volume and correct edema syndrome
           to correct, recover and maintain homeostasis.      [Figure 1]. The favorable effect of slow and constant
                                                              filtration  in  PD  helps  reduce  tissue  hyperhydration,
           Dialysis, convection and filtration can be used today   improve pulmonary  gas exchange  and increase  the
           not  only  for  RRT.  Hemodialysis  (HD),  hemofiltration   oxygenation  index.  Individualized  programs  and
           (HF)  and  hemodiafiltration  (HDF)  are  pathogenically   dosages of PD and appropriate  parenteral  nutrition
           valid and effective methods in MODS. Pediatric AKI,   make it possible to predict the course of AKI, along with
           especially  in underweight  children,  usually  requires   the stabilization and further decrease of azotemia. [12]
           the contemporary use of peritoneal  dialysis (PD)
           and extracorporeal methods. Each technique has its   More  “aggressive”  blood  purification  in  infants  is
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