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Yaroustovsky et al.                                                                                                                                                     Blood purification in intensive care patients

           dictated by an inadequate  PD dosing in metabolic   indications.  Its  elimination  of medium-molecular
           and water-electrolyte disorders with severe edema   depressive  factors, which are elevated  in MODS
           syndrome, tissue hyperhydration and the preservation   and sepsis, [2,8]   and  correction  of  hyperkalemia and
           of azotemia. Carrying  out constant HF/HD in       azotemia prevent the development of immune paralysis
           infants makes it  possible to  achieve the  necessary   and uremic polyserositis. During extracorporeal
           fluid  balance,  and  decreases  in  CVP  and  Pla  are   procedures, it is possible to normalize body temperature
           accompanied  by  MAP  and LVEF  increases, which   and temperature balance as a whole.
           allow inotropic support reduction in some cases. [13]
                                                              The  ability  to  perform  the  necessary  volume  of
           We are in strong agreement  with researchers  who   infusion-transfusion  therapy  in  anuria  and  tissue
           believe  that hemodynamic and gas exchange         hyperhydration  without  the  risk  of  hypervolemia  is
           improvements are associated with the optimization of   very important.
           circulating  blood volume and plasma colloid  osmotic
           pressure.   We  also  think  that  blood  purification’s   Because of the high risk of both hypo- and
           positive  effects  are  implemented  by  filtration  of   hypercoagulation in cardiosurgery patients, choosing
           interstitial fluid excess and reduction of myocardial and   the anticoagulation mode carefully is also very
           pulmonary edema. [8]                               important.

           The  effectiveness  of  any  blood  purification  method   CVVHF IN CONJUNCTION WITH ECMO
           in  cardiosurgery  patients  depends  on  the adequate
           correction of electrolyte (hyperkalemia, hyper- and/or   IN CHILDREN WITH CRITICAL HEART
           hyponatremia) and metabolic  (lactatemia, acidosis,   FAILURE AND ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY
           alkalosis)  disorders and azotemia. Hyperkalemia   AFTER CARDIAC SURGERY
           is caused by acute kidney injury,  catabolism,
           rhabdomyolysis and reperfusion after crash syndrome,   Due  to  the  significant  expansion  of  cardiac
           hemolysis and disseminated intravascular coagulation.   surgery  worldwide,  the  number  of  ECMO  patients
           It  is often  aggravated by concomitant metabolic   in the near postoperative period has increased
           acidosis and is an additional cardiotoxic factor.  significantly.  Severe  cardiac  and/or  respiratory
                                                              failure is accompanied by cardiogenic shock
           The  diffusion  and  filtration  rates  during  continuous   and hypoxia with MODS and  AKI development.
           veno-venous  hemofiltration  (CVVHF)  or  CVVHF    These patients have hypervolemia and electrolyte
           dialysis permit one to correct azotemia, hyperkalemia   disorders (hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hypo- or
           and metabolic parameters and control them later.  In   hypernatremia,  tissue  hyperhydration),  which  can
           contrast to PD, constant or intermittent extracorporeal   increase azotemia and metabolic disorders.  Thus,
           therapy  stabilizes  and  significantly  reduces  the   continuous hemofiltration in conjunction with ECMO
           azotemia level  earlier,  quickly corrects  hyperkalemia   is a justified method of correcting the entire complex
           and metabolic  disorders, and provides clearance of   of homeostatic disorders. [15]
           exo- and endotoxins.
                                                              Many medical centers offer continuous RRT as
           Extracorporeal blood purification in adult and pediatric   the most manageable and effective method.  We
           MODS patients is used for both renal and extrarenal   chose  CVVHF,  which  influences  various  aspects  of
                                                              the pathogenesis of MODS, inhibits its development
                                                              and progression, and helps eliminate the medium
                                                              molecular  weight  substances,  thereby  contributing
                                                              to a decrease in inflammatory cascade activity.  In
                                                              addition,  the  use  of high volumes of replacement
                                                              liquids  (more  than  30-35 mL/kg/h) can be of great
                                                              importance for enhancing lymphatic transport between
                                                              the  intercellular  space,  tissues  and  blood  and  for
                                                              reducing the activity of the inflammatory cascade.

                                                              The  results of  the  treatment  and its  cost  allow the
                                                              conclusion that CVVHF connected to an ECMO circuit
           Figure 1: Hemodynamics parameters during peritoneal dialysis.
           CVP: central venous pressure; Pla: left atrial pressure; MAP: mean   (single circuit) is relatively simple and has advantages
           arterial pressure; LVEF: left ventricle ejection fraction  for intensive care patients. [18,19]
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