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Yaroustovsky et al.                                                                                                                                                     Blood purification in intensive care patients

           convection and adsorption.  The advantages of      8.2 to 2.44 pg/mL, P = 0.01) in patients with sepsis
           CPFA include the passage of plasma (and not blood)   after two procedures of combined LPS-adsorption
           through the sorption column, which  increases the   and HDF with EMiC2. Similar dynamics of the
           contact time with the sorption surface and improves   infectious markers were observed when conducting
           the efficiency of the procedure. [65,70]           LPS-adsorption with CPFA: EAA decreased by 30%
                                                              (from 0.77 to 0.53,  P = 0.003)  and  procalcitonin
           HDF, which is carried out using filters with high cut-  by 55% (from 6.23 to 2.83 pg/mL,  P = 0.005). We
           off membranes (EMiC2, Fresenius, Germany; 40 kDa   also observed positive dynamics in leukocytosis
           cut-off), eliminates substances of low and medium   and hyperthermia. Both variants of combined blood
           molecular  weight  without  albumin  or  coagulation   purification  contributed  to  decreases  in  C-reactive
           factor loss. The permeability of these filters is similar   protein (CRP) and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels,
           to that of the kidney glomerular basement membrane,   thus  confirming  the  decrease  in  the  intensity  of  the
           suggesting that the therapeutic effect of HDF is more   systemic inflammation response. [53,54]
           physiological. [66,71-73]
                                                              Including  combined  blood  purification  methods  into
           Several  studies  have  demonstrated  the  beneficial   the complex therapy for sepsis allowed the results of
           effect of selective LPS-adsorption, HD/HDF (with high   treatment to be optimized. The  28-day survival was
           cut-off membranes) and CPFA in sepsis. [58,64-66]  65% in the LPS-adsorption + HDF with EMiC2 group
                                                              and 75% in the LPS-adsorption + CPFA group.
           We proposed two new techniques of combined
           blood  purification  methods  in  single  circuit:  (1)   The  efficiency  of  the  proposed  concept  of
           LPS-adsorption  +  HDF  using  filters  with  high  cut-  etiopathogenetic extracorporeal therapy for gram-
           off membranes; and (2) LPS-adsorption + CPFA.      negative sepsis is confirmed by the favorable results
           In the available literature, there was no information   obtained  in cardiac surgical patients  characterized
           about a similar extracorporeal therapy protocol for   by their initially severe condition and more severe
           sepsis in cardiac surgical patients. A study of adults   course of septic complications.  The combined
           enrolled  in  these protocols,  carried  out  at the A.N.   methods  of  blood  purification  can  affect  either  the
           Bakulev NSPCCS in 2009-2016, showed the safety     starting factor in the  early development  of sepsis
           and  efficacy  of  the  combined  therapies  mentioned   by endotoxin removal or the subsequent release of
           above. [53,54]                                     inflammatory mediators after immune cell activation.
                                                              These therapeutic methods also maintain vital organ
           We observed that the combination of LPS-adsorption   function in MODS development.
           and HDF filters with high cut-off EMiC2 membranes
           led  to  a  34%  MAP  increase  [from  76  (65-81)  to  90   Our experience from using selective LPS-adsorption
           (85-102) mmHg, P < 0.001] with reduced vasopressor   in adult patients with sepsis allowed us to use this
           and inotropic support.  The increase in MAP during   method for sepsis treatment in children. Blood
           LPS-adsorption  with  CPFA  was  12%  with  the    purification  in  children  with  sepsis  is  limited  to  RRT
           significant decrease in vasopressor support [the dose   technologies.  The principle of selective sorption use
           of noradrenaline was halved from 0.2 (0.15-0.3) to   in children is absolutely innovative. No information
           0.1 (0.05-0.15) µg/kg/min, P = 0.024]. The improved   was found in the database of the US National Library
           oxygenation  was  confirmed  by  an  increase  in  the   of Medicine National Institutes of Health on the use
           oxygenation index increase (by 36% and 28% in LPS-  of  selective  LPS-adsorption for sepsis  treatment in
           adsorption with HDF in single circuit using EMiC2   children after cardiac surgery.
           and LPS-adsorption with CPFA in single circuit,
           respectively). One of the mechanisms that have a   The  application  of  the  smaller  volume  and  sorption
           favorable effect on blood oxygenation is a decrease in   capacity of the Polymyxin B-immobilized cartridge
           the intensity of the infiltrative-inflammatory lung tissue   (Toraymyxin-PMX-0.5R) is a new and promising
           process during blood purification.                 extracorporeal technology  that  aims  to reduce
                                                              mortality from sepsis in children. Experience in
           We also evaluated the efficiency of blood purification   selective endotoxin sorption is available only in
           in sepsis by monitoring the dynamics of EAA,       Japan, where a study group enrolled children with
           procalcitonin level, bacteriological blood and sputum   abdominal pathology. The authors identified the safety
           examination and the clinical state of patients during   and  high  efficiency  of  using  Toraymyxin-PMX-0.5R
           the procedures.  The obtained results showed a     cartridges. [75,76]
           decrease of 20% in EAA (from 0.74 to 0.59, P = 0.03)
           and of approximately 70% in procalcitonin (from    Today, the A.N. Bakulev NSPCCS has gained initial
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