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Yaroustovsky et al.                                                                                                                                                     Blood purification in intensive care patients

           Table 1: Changes of clinical and laboratory data before and after LPS-adsorptionin the children with sepsis
            Indices                        Before                    After                          P
            MAP, mmHg                      65.5 (63.5-74.8)          80.5 (76.3-83.5)              0.012
            HR, beats/min                  141 (126-146)             135 (126-141)                 0.19
            Epinephrine, μg/kg/min         0.05 (0.048-0.07)         0.05 (0.05-0.06)              0.92
            Body temperature, °C           37.9 (36.2-38.5)          36.8 (36.6-37.1)              0.07
            WBC, 10 /L                     13.3 (9.2-20.1)           11.5 (9.4-20.4)               0.65
            PLT, 10 /L                     164 (81-257)              132 (67-253)                   0.5
            PCT, ng/mL                     5.11 (2.48-19.48)         1.24 (0.76-2.14)              0.11
            EAA                            0.75 (0.68-0.97)          0.6 (0.33-0.8)                0.013
            Presepsin, pg/mL               914 (673-2,812)           525 (288-3,343)               0.44
            CRP, mg/dL                     3.41 (1.37-5.95)          1.5 (1.04-3.67)                1.0
           LPS: lipopolysaccharide; MAP: mean arterial pressure; HR: heart rate; WBC: white blood cell; CRP: C-reactive protein; PLT: platelet; PCT:
           procalcitonin; EAA: endotoxin activity assay
           experience  with  selective  LPS-adsorption  for  sepsis   The results are expressed as the median and
           treatment  in children  after  congenital heart disease   interquartile  range.  The  critical  level  of  significance
           correction with cardiopulmonary bypass. Selective   was set at 0.05. Nine patients were discharged, and
           endotoxin adsorption was carried out using Polymyxin   one patient died of cerebral edema and MODS after
           B-immobilized cartridges (Toraymyxin-PMX-0.5R).    repeated emergency surgery due to the development
           Ten children aged 9-48 months and weighing 6.2-14 kg   of an acute fistula of the prosthetic mitral valve.
           received  this  procedure.  In  8  cases,  the  infection
           source was ventilator-associated pneumonia, and in   Other authors also reported that this blood purification
           1 case, it was mediastinitis and pleural empyema, and   method in children has no side effects. [75,76]  Our results
           in 1 patient infected by bacterial translocation from the   suggest that selective LPS-adsorption in children
           gut after the ECMO procedures (duration of 5 days)   from middle childhood is clinically effective and safe.
           and dysfunction of gut. Gram-negative etiology in all   Endotoxin adsorption using Polymyxin B cartridges is
           cases was confirmed by microbiological examination   one of the promising methods in children.
           of blood and of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (sputum).
           The decision to include selective LPS-adsorption in   In  this  article,  we  briefly  discussed  some  aspects
           complex therapy was made on the basis of clinical and   of blood purification in the ICU of a cardiac surgery
           laboratory data by a council of physicians. This study   hospital. Over the last several decades, there have
           was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the   been huge changes in extracorporeal therapy use for
           A.N. Bakulev NSPCCS.                               critically ill patients. This is due to the proven efficiency
                                                              of these methods in many pathological conditions
           Children  before  LPS-adsorption  have  clinical  and   and the emergence of new promising technologies.
           laboratory  signs  of  sepsis,  hyperthermia  (38.7-  The availability of appropriate equipment and trained
           39.5  °C),  leukocytosis/leucopenia  3.3-21  ×  10 /L,   medical  staff  limiting  the  wide  use  of  extracorporeal
           subcompensated      disseminated     intravascular  blood purification, especially in pediatric intensive care
           coagulation  syndrome (D-dimer  530-1,580  ng/mL),   where it seems so complicated, is a thing of the past.
           procalcitonin  6.5-130 ng/mL, presepsin 415-1,300   The only issue that preserves a degree of technical
           pg/mL, EAA 0.6-1.0, and high levels of CRP.  The   complexity is creating adequate vascular access in a
           cardiopulmonary component prevails in the structure   child and providing the possibility of performing the full-
           of  organ  failure, which  requires  multicomponent   dose extracorporeal therapy according to the protocol
           inotropic and/or vasopressor support and mechanical   and the assigned clinical tasks. Of course, we await
           ventilation with high positive end expiratory pressure.   the results of new multicenter randomized trials and its
           Two children required  RRT, daily  intermittent    application for practical goals of blood purification in
           hemodialysis,  which  used  polysulphone  high-flux   specific pathological conditions and clinical situations,
           membrane filters (AVpaed, Fresenius, Germany).     particularly in MODS. These results will allow the most
                                                              appropriate time for the initiation of blood purification
           The results of this pilot study showed an improvement   to  be  determined,  valid  indications  to  be  developed
           in hemodynamic and oxygenation indices, a tendency   and its efficiency to be proven (convective or diffusive,
           for leukocytosis and body temperature to decrease,   continuous or intermittent, sorption or apheresis) in
           positive X-ray dynamics and negative microbiological   critically ill patients after high-risk surgery.
           examination results. After LPS-adsorption, we noted
           decreases  in  the  endotoxin  level,  procalcitonin  and   Authors’ contributions
           CRP  [Table  1].  Statistical  analyses  were  performed   Conception,  design  and  methodology  of the study,
           with SPSS software, version 20 (SPSS, Inc., USA).   results analysing and manuscript  writing: M.
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