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Yaroustovsky et al.                                                                                                                                                     Blood purification in intensive care patients

           Extracorporeal  methods based on patient’s blood   substances has become possible. [35,36]
           perfusion  through exogenous hepatocytes were not
           widely used due to their high complexity and cost, the   The principle of Prometheus-therapy  is based
           insufficient  cell  mass  for  liver  regeneration  (≥  400  g   on  plasma  separation  on  the  AlbuFlow  filter,  the
           would be needed) as well as low biocompatibility and   membrane  of which  is permeable  to molecules  of
           infection risk.                                    up to 250 kD, including albumin, clotting factors and
                                                              fibrinogen.  Separated  plasma  regenerates  when
           Modern  extracorporeal  blood  purification  methods   it successively  passes through  absorbers  with ion
           without using  biological  components  comprise    exchange and neutral resin. Removal of low molecular
           high-volume  plasma exchange, albumin  dialysis    weight water soluble  compounds is provided  by the
           [Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS )],   performance of HF or HD. This technique is the most
           single-pass  albumin  dialysis (SPAD) and methods   effective for eliminating albumin-bound toxins such as
           that combine plasma separation  and adsorption     unconjugated bilirubin and bile acids. [37,38]
           [Fractionated Plasma Separation  and  Adsorption
           (FPSA) Prometheus )].                              In assessing the safety and efficacy of MARS and
                                                              Prometheus therapies in adult patients with  ALF
           In acute liver failure, plasma exchange provides a   after  cardiac  surgery,  we  analyzed  the  dynamics
           reduction in bilirubinemia, but this is achieved only   of  hydrophobic  and  hydrophilic  toxic  substance
           at high exchange volumes (up to 10 L), and the lack   concentrations as well as the severity of hepatocyte
           of  specificity  and  high  risk  of  allergic  and  infectious   cytolysis and the impairment of liver synthetic
           complications  reduce  the  benefits  and  limit  the  use   function.  A  key  aspect  in  the  evaluation  of  MARS
           of this method. [27,28]  SPAD therapy uses standard   and Prometheus liver support system safety in
           equipment for kidney replacement therapy with a    patients after cardiac surgery was the absence of
           highly porous membrane dialyzers and albumin       a  negative  influence  on  hemodynamics  and  lung
           containing dialysis solutions to remove hydrophobic   oxygenation function. In evaluating the safety of
           substances.                                        these systems, monitoring the dynamics of serum
                                                              albumin is recommended, which is important in the
           The emergence of new hi-tech techniques, such as   setting of initial dysproteinemia in ALF and the use of
           albumin dialysis (MARS-therapy) and fractionated   high permeability hemo- or plasma filters. According
           plasma separation and adsorption (Prometheus-      to several authors, the serum albumin concentration
           therapy), allow optimistic results to be obtained with   during  MARS-therapy  remains   unchanged
           complex intensive therapy for this severe category of
           patients. [29]                                     because  the  diameter  of  the  filter  pores  (50  kDa)
                                                              does not exceed the size of the albumin molecule
           The  beneficial  effect  of  these  procedures  on  clinical   (65 kDa). [26,38]  However, the albumin loss during
           and laboratory  parameters  is  explained  by  the   Prometheus-therapy can reach 3 g/L (P = 0.055). [31,39]
           removal of vasoactive substances and toxins, leading   We  observed  no  significant  negative  dynamics  of
           to improvements  in organ and  tissue perfusion,   serum albumin [oscillations: 32 (30-35) and 30 (26-
           hemodynamic  parameters  and kidney  function and   35) g/L, P = 0.052, before and after MARS-therapy;
           reducing portal hypertension, intracranial  pressure   33 (31-34) and 31 (28-36) g/L, P = 0.051, before and
           and hepatic encephalopathy. [30,31]  The experience from   after Prometheus-therapy], which is probably due to
           implementing this therapy in adults allows the use of   the adequate routine correction of hypoproteinemia
           extracorporeal  liver support to be recommended  in   in patients with ALF. [39]  Likewise, despite published
           pediatric practice. [32-34]                        data on the loss of coagulation factors during
                                                              Prometheus-therapy, [40]  we did not observe clinically
           MARS-therapy is a method of albumin  dialysis  that   significant hemorrhagic complications.
           uses a filter permeable to substances with a molecular
           weight  of up to 50 kDa.  The toxins accumulated  on   The use of both liver support systems in cardio
           the  filter  membrane  are  subsequently  bound  to  the   surgical  patients  provided  a  significant  reduction  in
           donor albumin  used as a dialysate. Simultaneously,   the total bilirubin concentration, and Prometheus-
           the  albumin  dialysate  is  purified  by  passing  through   therapy allowed the clearance of unconjugated
           activated carbon,  anion  exchange  resin  and a low-  bilirubin. During MARS-therapy, the initial level of total
           permeability  dialyzer, which  provides  a link  between   bilirubin  was  230  (181-256)  μmol/L  whereas  during
           the albumin circuit and the traditional bicarbonate-  Prometheus-therapy,  it  was  333  (189-450)  μmol/L;
           based dialysis  solution.  Thus, the simultaneous   the concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin were
           selective removal of albumin-bound and water-soluble   103 (72-135) and 119 (74-166) μmol/L, respectively.
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