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Derrick et al.                                                                                                                                                          Teen aesthetic surgery may eliminate bullying

           outpatient. She is now back in school, has been living   to meet with her family. In the process of discussing
           a normal life, is engaged, and will soon be married.   different liposuction methods, the family explained that
           She and her family were delighted with the results and   their daughter was unable to exercise because after an
           she is now a normal, happy person.                 attempt to run or do strenuous calisthenics, she would
                                                              become plethoric and dyspnic. She confided that she
           Patient 2                                          had no friends and was bullied for being overweight.
           Our second patient [Figure 2] was a 12-year-old    She mentioned how she had gone to a birthday party
           grossly overweight girl, at an astonishing 230 pounds.   in which the whole class was invited. Later that night,
           She had tried every method of dieting possible, but   the parents of the birthday child called for her mother
           nothing had worked [32] . Her father called in asking if   to come take her home, but she had noticed that all
           we would consider doing liposuction for a 12-year-old   the other girls had sleeping bags hidden. She felt
           girl. Our initial impulse was to decline, but we decided   that they sent her home because they did not like her

             A                      B                          A                      B

             C                      D                          C                      D

             E                      F                          E                      F

           Figure 1: A: Patient 1 at age 15 holding her birth certificate; B:   Figure 2: A: Patient 2 at 12-year-old and 230 pounds; B: patient 2 at
           patient 1 at 6 months later, post brow lift, face lift, rhinoplasty,   5 months post liposuction (3 times), abdominalplasty, brachioplasty,
           autologous fat transplantation to lips (3 mL upper lip, 1 mL lower lip)   and medial thigh lift. Total weight loss of 58 pounds and weight of
           and cheeks (3 mL each), and chin augmentation; C: side view of   185 pounds; C: rear view of patient 2 at 219 pounds, prior to all
           patient 1 prior to surgical procedures; D: side view of patient 1 at 6   surgical procedures; D: rear view of patient 2 at 5 months post-
           months post-op; E: profile view of patient 1 prior to any procedures;   op at a weight of 160 pounds; E: front view of patient 2 prior to any
           F: profile view of patient 1 at 6 months post all procedures  surgical intervention; F: front view of patient 2 at 5 months post-op
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ October 26, 2017                   181
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