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Bhandari et al.                                                                                                                                                                                            Metacarpal angulations

           Table 1: Dorsal cortical angle                     Table 2: Center of rotation of angulation
                   Mean (°)    Range (°)  Standard deviations        Mean (%)   Range (%)  Standard deviations
           2nd       13          6-26            4.73         2nd       53.5      42-85           12.5
           3rd       10          1-25            5.28         3rd       52.1     32-100           17.8
           4th       11          1-20            4.45         4th       48.3      34-86           11.5
           5th       12          2-24            5.11         5th       50.3      27-86           12.4

           (range, 2-24°; SD, 5.11). There was no progressive   bony eminences in case of a concave bony ending,
           difference as we moved from the II digit to the V digit.  as a line through the points indicating the widest
                                                              osseous space in case of a convex cortex ending, and
           CORA ratio                                         in case of a flat bony ending as a line parallel to this
           The following CORA ratios were obtained: 53.5% for   surface. The angles were: (1) capital axis angle (CAA):
           the index finger (range, 42-85%; SD, 12.5), 52.1% for   angle between the capital-axis and the full-shaft axis;
           the long finger (range, 32-100%; SD, 17.8), 48.3 for the   (2) sub CAA: this is formed by the angle between
           ring finger (range, 34-86%; SD, 11.5) and 50.3% for the   the subcapital axis and the full-shaft axis; (3) shaft
           small finger (range, 27-86%; SD, 12.4) [Table 2]. The   bending axis (SBA): this lies between the proximal
           location of CORA was found to be consistent across   and distal shaft-axis. The proximal and distal shaft-
           the four digits [Figure 3].                        axis are defined by the 2 lines connecting the centers
                                                              of the proximal shaft (measured as 1/3 and 1/2 of the
                                                              metacarpal length) and the distal shaft (measured
           DISCUSSION                                         as 1/2 and 2/3); and (4) the proximal articular angle:

           The knowledge of anatomical characteristics of     this lies between the full-shaft axis and the proximal
           metacarpals is crucial in diagnosis of metacarpal   articular line.
           fractures and planning treatment. Assessment of                           [4]
           the metacarpals is routinely done by radiographs.   In their study, Braakman  reported CAA of 22° and
           Braakman   [4]  defined various radio graphical    27° on the postero-anterior view and 19° and 24° on
           parameters of metacarpals of the ring and small    the oblique views for the ring and small metacarpals,
           fingers. The purpose was to gain consistency in    respectively. They found that the SBA was 2° in all
           reporting and to reduce inter-observer variations.   tested digits in both projections. Rivlin et al.  analysed
           These parameters include 4 axes and 4 angles. The   the CAA and SBA using computer tomography with
           axes were: (1) full-shaft axis: line through the centers   three dimensional reconstruction. They showed that
           of the shaft, measured at 1/3 and 2/3 of the bone   CAA averaged 14° and 12° in the ring and small
           length; (2) capital axis: line drawn perpendicular to a   metacarpals, respectively. Apex dorsal SBA averaged
           line through the widest part of the caput, indicating   12°  and  10°  in  the  ring  and  small  metacarpals,
           the end of the cartilage cap; (3) sub capital axis: the   respectively. Although these studies describe important
           “logic” axis through the middle of the subcapital neck;   anatomical landmarks which aid in repairing the
           and (4) proximal articular line: the tangent to the 2   fracture, they do not provide any detail regarding the
                                                              “surgically important” dorsal surface.
                                                              In our study, we specifically measured the dorsal
                                                              surface angulations. Since plate fixation involves
                 100                                          the dorsal surface, the knowledge of its anatomy
              CORA ratio in percentage  60                    convex . However, our results suggest that it is more
                                                              is imperative for successful plating. It has been
                                                              traditionally considered that the dorsal surface is
                                                              angular than it is curved. In our study we obtained the
                                                              average CORA ratio and dorsal cortex angle, which
                                                              answers “where” and “how much” the angulation
                                                              is. The numbers that we developed can serve as

                   0                                          reference values for future metacarpal fixation
                                                              Knowledge of these angulations would be even more
              Metacarpals  2nd    3rd    4th    5th           important in surgical correction of malunions. Birndorf et al.
                                                              studied the effect of angulation on metacarpal fractures
           Figure 3: Scatter diagram showing distribution of CORA ratio.
           CORA: center of rotation of angulation             and found that with progressive increase in metacarpal
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