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Derrick et al.                                                                                                                                                          Teen aesthetic surgery may eliminate bullying

           Beauty pays                                        routine surgical practices [27] . They seem to be unaware
           Hamermesh  [24]  argues that those who are considered   of the extensive literature that discusses standards
           less attractive will suffer economically as compared to   of normality [28-31]  and other opinions based on actual
           their colleagues who are equally as qualified, trained,   clinical experience with patients and their families.
           and intelligent, but are considered more attractive
           by social means. This disadvantage equates to a    Countless evidence provided by Michael Olding
           loss of “$140,000 over a lifetime compared to the   in Friedman’s  article seems to show that plastic
           earnings of an average-looking worker”. In his concept   surgery can actually limit psychological consequences
           referred to as “protecting the ugly”, Hamermesh [24]    and physiological consequences.  For  example,
           compares the level of disadvantages that a less    otoplasty helps remove what others coin “dumbo ears”,
           attractive person experiences to that of an individual   which in effect removes the bullying stimulus. Other
           subject to discrimination based on gender, race, or   operations, such as breast reduction, gynecomastia
           disability status. Thus, he argues that the government   and macromastia, can actually help with physiological
           should protect “ugly” individuals in the same ways   consequences  as  extremely  large  breasts  can
           as it has historically protected other disadvantaged   cause back and shoulder pain. Through undergoing
           groups. This protection would be for the benefit of   cosmetic surgery, procedures can alleviate significant
           both the “ugly”, as well as the economy as a whole.   psychological strain and improve self-esteem.
           He suggests correcting this net worth disparity by   Moreover, it is unfair that teenagers should be
           cash compensation from the government. He fails    excluded from plastic surgery simply due to their
           to mention, that cash contribution could be used to   age, especially when some parts of the body such as
           correct the very defaults that qualify for the beauty   the nose, reach complete maturation in the teenage
           impaired (see three cases below).                  years. Furthermore, plastic surgery is not harming
                                                              anyone else and only helps boost self-confidence of
           The  American college of obstetricians and         the patient, and thus should be allowed for anyone, no
           gynecologists recently published a committee opinion   matter what age, seeking out aesthetic surgery.
           based on the increasing interest of adolescents in
           breast and labial surgery. The committee emphasizes   CASE REPORT
           the necessity of physical maturity and emotional
           readiness when dealing with adolescent patients, as   All of our patients have been operated in our outpatient
           well as “education and reassurance regarding normal   surgery facility where they were discharged to go home
           variation in anatomy, growth, and development” [25] .   or to a hotel that night. All of our previous patients
           The necessity of these procedures is often questioned   have been treated with valium and ketamine sedation
           and highly controversial, as nonsurgical alternatives   exclusively. We have performed more than 30,000
           appear to be much more practical and less invasive   aesthetic operations since 1978 to the present day;
           for adolescents. Dr. Abbey B. Berenson believes that   all have been performed with valium and ketamine
           most women will likely never notice the variance in   sedation, discharged same day. In 40 years, there have
           appearance of external genitals, and those that do feel   been about 100 patients under 18 years of age none
           insecure about their genitalia should be well informed   experienced complications, deep vein thrombosis or
           and counseled on this natural variance [26] . This normal   mortality ever. We present 3 cases in detail of teenage
           variation among women includes size, shape, and    cosmetic surgery to illustrate that earlier is better.
           appearance of external genitalia including the labia
           minora. The committee argues that asymmetry is     Patient 1
           seen as a “normal variant” and “despite increased   Our first patient was a 15-year-old girl who had a
           awareness and focus on the appearance of the       peculiar habitus, perhaps Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
           external genitalia, no consensus on the definition of   where she had very lax skin, a hypoplastic chin and a
           labial hypertrophy or criteria for surgical intervention   large nose. She was depressed because she looked
           has been established” [25] . In another opinion published   far older than her older sister and even her mother.
           by The American College of Obstetricians and       They were unable to find anyone in her native England
           Gynecologists, the committee argues that patients   homeland to consider doing aesthetic surgery for a
           who are already anxious and insecure regarding their   15-year-old girl. Thus, she was an outcast at school,
           genital appearance or sexual function may actually   was ridiculed and had a terrible self-image. The patient
           be “further traumatized” by such procedures that lack   had even contemplated suicide.
           supporting data on safety and efficacy. The committee
           states it is “deceptive” of physicians to give the   As seen in the Figure 1, we did a face-lift, brow-lift,
           impression that such procedures are accepted and   rhinoplasty, and chin augmentation for this girl as an
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