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Bhandari et al. Metacarpal angulations
angulation, there was an increase in tendon excursion, Study conception and design; acquisition, analysis
tendon load, and work required for flexion. Thus, and interpretation of data: C. Sathega, F. Aguilar, L.
returning the metacarpal to normal alignment is Vicentela, E. Galvis
imperative. Drafting of manuscript and critical revision: E. Galvis
In any curved long bone, the concave surface Financial support and sponsorship
bears the compressive force. When such bones are None.
fractured, the load bearing osteosynthesis should
ideally tackle this concave surface. In the context Conflicts of interest
of metacarpals, the volar surface would be the There are no conflicts of interest.
compression cortex. However, the easily accessible
dorsal surface is preferred for plating, even though
it is not the compression cortex. Metacarpals have Patient consent
attachments of A1 pulleys, and the flexor tendons, Not applicable.
passing under these A1 pulleys, exert a flexion
force on the distal part of the metacarpal. In setting Ethics approval
metacarpal fractures, the flexor tendons can lead to This study obtains approval from the Human Tissue
volar angulation of the distal fragment. This may also Committee.
account for increased incidence of screw loosening
seen in the distal fragment . Since the angle of the REFERENCES
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Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ October 20, 2017 177