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Bhandari et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2017;4:174-7                                     Plastic and
           DOI: 10.20517/2347-9264.2017.65
                                                                                  Aesthetic Research

            Original Article                                                                    Open Access

           Degree and location of metacarpal angulations

           Laxminarayan Bhandari, Cynthia Sathekga, Francisco Aguilar, Luis Vicentela, Elkin Galvis
           Christine M. Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery, Louisville, KY 40202, USA.

           Correspondence to: Dr. Laxminarayan Bhandari, Christine M. Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery, 225 Abraham Flexner Way, Suite 850,
           Louisville, KY 40202, USA. E-mail:
           How to cite this article: Bhandari L, Sathekga C, Aguilar F, Vicentela L, Galvis E. Degree and location of metacarpal angulations. Plast Aesthet Res

            Article history:              Aim: Fractures of metacarpals  are commonly  encountered  in hand surgery. For adequate
            Received: 9 Sep 2017          fixation, a thorough knowledge about the anatomy is essential. While fixing the metacarpals
            Accepted: 21 Sep 2017         with plates and screws, plates are bent to contour the dorsal surface. However, there are no
            Published: 20 Oct 2017        reference values in literature for the location and degree of angulation. The authors studied the
                                          dorsal surface of metacarpals in cadavers to gather data regarding the location and degree of
            Key words:                    angulation of the dorsal cortex. Methods: Cadaveric dissections of 118 metacarpals from 30
            Metacarpals,                  hands were performed. A true lateral view of each metacarpal was taken using fluoroscopy.
            plate fixation,               These pictures were analyzed using Image J software. The dorsal cortex angle was measured
            anatomy                       in each image, and the center of rotation of angulation (CORA) was identified. The distance
                                          from the CORA to the base of metacarpal was measured and calculated as a percentage of
                                          the metacarpal length. Results: The average dorsal angle of the metacarpals was 11.5°. The
                                          average angles for each metacarpal were as follows: 2nd metacarpal = 13° (range, 6-26°;
                                          SD, 4.73), 3rd = 10° (range, 1-25°; SD, 5.28), 4th = 11° (range, 1-20°; SD, 4.45), 5th = 12°
                                          (range, 2-24°; SD, 5.11). The average location of the CORA from the base of the metacarpal
                                          as a percentage of the metacarpal length was identified as follows: 53.5% for the index finger,
                                          52.1% for the long finger, 48.3% for the ring finger and 50.3% for the small finger. Conclusion:
                                          These measurements are able to serve as reference values for plate bending while operating on
                                          a metacarpal fracture or metacarpal corrective osteotomy.

           INTRODUCTION                                       During plate fixation, it is a common practice to
                                                              bend the plates . If the plate is not adequately bent,
           Metacarpal fractures are a common injury of the hand,   tightening the screws will result in a gap in the opposite
           with an incidence of 13.6/100,000 in the United States   cortex [Figure 1]. The location and degree of plate
           each year . The angulation and displacement are    bending can be challenging to predict, especially in
           crucial factors in determining operative management.   cases of a comminuted fracture, or fracture with bone
           There are various options for fixation of metacarpal   loss. Therefore, a thorough knowledge of the anatomy
           fractures which include K wires, intramedullary nails,   of the dorsal surface is important. However, literature
           plates and screws, and external fixators. Plate and   is scarce with this regard. The various metacarpal
           screw fixation is commonly employed for complex    parameters described in literature include capital and
           injuries .                                         subcapital angulations, proximal articular inclination,
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