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Derrick et al. Teen aesthetic surgery may eliminate bullying
through a variety of techniques such as brow lifts, face In 2013, approximately 30% of American adolescents
lifts, rhinoplasty, and other procedures developed to were overweight or obese. This corresponds to
completely change the body from subnormal to a more the 47% increase in global obesity since 1980 [13] .
aesthetic appearance. With the rise of childhood obesity, more and more
teens are undergoing weight loss surgeries such as
Aesthetic surgery is a growing popularity fueled by a bariatric surgery and liposuction. The controversy
culture that idolizes a youthful appearance . Popular that surrounds childhood obesity is often fueled
operations include breast augmentations, tummy tucks, by critic’s belief that surgery is not a necessary
and liposuction. More than 4,000 teenagers, ages means for weight loss and that diet and exercise are
18-year-old and younger have had breast implants sufficient to achieve desired results [14-16] . However,
and over 6,000 have undergone liposuction. Over the many experts argue that there is no effect of diet in
years, the number of plastic surgery procedures in the treatment of pediatric obesity and studies would
teens has increased from 59,890 in 1997 to more than suggest that dietary restriction alone is ineffective
205,119 in 2007, nearly 4 times as many, according in adolescents [17-19] . Overweight and obese children
to Conwell . Many experts claim that this increase is lack the self-worth and social support associated
most likely fueled by the media through Internet and with psychosocial adjustment [20] . Further research
television. expresses the psychological effects of childhood
obesity that equate to “depression, low self-esteem,
Recently, there has been more of a debate over the and social marginalization and have decreased
controversy as to whether or not teens should undergo physical activity and lower academic scores” [17] . The
cosmetic surgery. Some argue that teenagers are Wall Street Journal (14 Sep 2017) showed that suicide
simply concerned with their appearance and how their is the most common death for Americans between the
peers may view them. Undergoing plastic surgery ages of 15 to 34. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has
would only suggest that happiness is “a nip and a tuck also been associated with obesity in adolescents. The
away”, argues Arthur Caplan in Friedman’s article. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Moreover, many adolescents are not completely suggests that weight loss in adolescents significantly
developed yet and have not had ample time to become improves the effects of OSA . One study consisting
accustomed to their own bodies, and thus should of patients ages 13-21 years old undergoing
not be going under the knife to fix their changing bariatric surgery showed a long term decrease in the
insecurities. Other experts such as Schneweis claim prevalence of type II diabetes from 16% to only 2%
that surgeries only offer temporary fixes and that after 5 plus years post-op .
despite a “new physical image, a fragile self-esteem
may still exist”. Furthermore, plastic surgery is the Psycho-cybernetics
reconstruction of a new image, which is what those Maltz [23] defines self-image as the “foundation upon
like Gilbert claim to be “against nature”. which your entire personality, your behavior, and even
your circumstance are built”. He goes on to say that
Cutis laxa refers to a rare condition that can be acquired one is “never too young or too old to change his self-
or congenital, in which skin becomes hypoelastic image and thereby start to live a new life”. In recent
causing loose, redundant skin [6-7] . The effect of this years, this aspect of being “too young” has gained
condition causes the patient to appear decades older much media attention and controversy as more and
than their actual age [8-12] . For children suffering from this more teens undergo aesthetic surgery in an effort
rare condition, aesthetic surgery has shown to provide to change their self-image. Self-image refers to the
a dramatic improvement in skin laxity. Aesthetic surgery manner in which one views themselves, and is directly
to enhance the appearance of cutis laxa patients dates correlated to ones self-esteem. Maltz [23] goes so far
back to the late 1960s, where patients as young as as to say “self-esteem is as necessary to the spirit
13-month-old benefited from such surgeries. In 1969, as food is to the body”. When individuals, especially
Dingman et al. reported a case in which a 13-month- teenagers and young adults, lack a level of self-
old patient underwent the excision of large amounts confidence, they become inherently vulnerable to
of redundant skin of the neck. At just 16 months, the rejection and psychological damage. The effect of
same patient underwent a rhytidoplasty with excision this psychological damage can be detrimental to a
of redundant skin from the scalp, face, and neck on teenager and their ability to function at their optimum.
her right side. The British Journal of Plastic Surgery “When your self-image is adequate and one that you
advocates for early surgical intervention in these can be wholesomely proud of, you feel self-confident.
patients, who benefit psychologically and emotionally You feel free to “be yourself” and to express yourself.
from aesthetic surgery . You function at your optimum” [23] .
Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ October 26, 2017 179