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Derrick et al. Teen aesthetic surgery may eliminate bullying
Lee et al. [33] studied 3,534 adolescents. Their findings the case report: R.A. Ersek
were that, “Adolescents involved in bullying, in any Editorial review and offered clinical advice pertaining
role, were significantly more interested in cosmetic to literature: D. Derrick, L. Crawford, J. Sheridan, R.
surgery that uninvolved adolescents.” Desire for Buckspan
cosmetic surgery was highest in girls. Being victimized Researched related literature and corrected article
by peers resulted in poor psychological function. grammer: A. Delgado, S. Gualy, D. Vo, M. Salisbury
In a review of the literature, they found that 50% of Financial support and sponsorship
adults seeking cosmetic surgery report a history of None.
teasing or bullying mostly during adolescence [34-37] .
There is now ample evidence that peer victimization is a Conflicts of interest
childhood trauma that negatively affects psychological There are no conflicts of interest.
function both concurrently and longitudinally [38-42] .
There is no reason why these children should be Patient consent
condemned to suffer for so many years as they are In this study, all patients give their consent.
often socially rejected and are treated negatively by
their peers. These children undergo psychological Ethics approval
damage through being bullied or teased about their Not applicable.
appearance. Furthermore, the younger the individual
is, the healthier they generally are, and the more REFERENCES
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Authors’ contributions Available from:
Chief Surgeon for each case, collected photos, wrote cosmetic-surgery-times/news/clinical/cosmetic-surgery/pre-teen-
Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ October 26, 2017 183