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Horch et al.                                                                                                                                                                           Towards the future of plastic surgery

           concept and rendering  plastic surgery as a problem   and the size of the defect as well as on the vascular
           solving  discipline within the concert of all medical   situation of the recipient site [13] . In diabetic foot ulcers
           specialities. It  has been shown that  such modern   for  instance  the  indications  for  local  flaps  are  rather
           interdisciplinary  concepts  contribute  significantly  to   limited. It also has to be taken into account that any
           improving the patient´s quality of life.           local  flap  does  not  only  cause  a  donor  site  defect
                                                              but also may further deteriorate  the vascular  supply
           As an example  one can look  at the salvage  of    of the distal  extremity. In experimental  studies  the
           hypovascularized wounds in the lower extremity, that is   potential role of neo-angiogenesis at the non-ischemic/
           made possible by transferring well vascularized tissue   ischemic  interfaces are key to the biological  healing
           utilizing microsurgery. This concept utilizes the surgical   process. Such interfaces  occur after transfer of free
           induction of angiogenesis for the treatment of chronic,   vascularized flaps into ischemic wounds [14,15] . Due to
           poorly vascularized  wounds, such as in diabetic   the standardization of microsurgery the age of patients
           ulcers and ulcers following arteriosclerotic disease [1-5] .   seems to be no hindrance to become eligible for free
           Autologous  venous bypass grafts can be used as a   flap  transfers  to  the  lower  extremity.  A  correlation
           prolongation  or as arterio-venous  loops to  allow for   between flap loss and increased risk factors and age
           a  distal  free  flap  connection  even  in  the  absence   was not found in the elderly population so far [16-18] .
           of  appropriate local vessels, before amputation is
           necessitated.  We have  been using  this concept  for   We have gained experience  with more than 100
           more than 20 years now and have investigated a larger   patients who received a bypass or an av-loop (primarily
           cohort of such selected patients who needed bypasses   or staged) along with a free flap and we could show
           and  microsurgical  free  flaps.  We  have  therefore   that weighed against the gain in quality of life the donor
           assessed and advocated an algorithm based on our   site morbidity is comparatively low and acceptable.
           results and from current literature data [6-11] .  Nevertheless a  consequent patient selection and
                                                              a thorough planning  can help to  keep the rate of
                                                              complications low.
           Perforator  flaps  have  significantly  contributed  to  a
           further reduction in donor sit morbidity when compared
           to  myocutaneous  or  muscle  flaps.  Perforator  flaps   It is the daily routine of plastic surgeons to deal with
           have been advocated to be another soft tissue choice
           for all zones of the lower extremity, recognizing that
           donor  site function preservation is their major asset
           because in such perforator flaps no muscle needs to
           be included [Figures 1 and 2]. When patients do not
           have relevant microperfusion problems in the recipient
           area  and  when  arterial  inflow  is  not  compromised,
           peninsular, propellor, or advancement perforator flaps
           can be regarded as valuable local non-microsurgical
           flap alternatives in appropriate cases [12] . However, the
           indication to decide whether a local flap or a free tissue
           transfer is necessary  depends  on the localization

           Figure 1: A 58-year-old male patient with pretibial defect following
           radical resection of malignant melanoma with exposed tibial bone   Figure 2: Three months postoperative aspect of defect reconstruction
           and immediate aspect at the end of free microvascular anterolateral   with free microvascular anterolateral thigh fasciocutaneous flap
           thigh flap transfer                                transfer to pretibial defect
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