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panel involving three staffs from the Anatomy, Physiology   auriculotemporal nerve  both  proximal  and distal to its
          and Oral and Maxillofacial Departments. Content from the   origin. In one of the specimens, a number of nerve fibers
          relevant papers was tabulated for analysis.         were observed entering  the mandible via the retromolar
                                                              fossa. A  second “plexus” was located  between the
          A total of six relevant papers  (cadaveric  studies on third   mandibular canal and the roots of the mandibular teeth,
          molar innervations) were  selected,  and findings  from  the   and was composed of small fine  filaments  which arose
          papers were recorded. The relevant information from each   from the intramandibular plexus. These fine filaments
          of these cadaveric studies is summarized below.
                                                              appeared to enter the roots of the teeth on their lateral
          Carter and Keen  noted a fine network of neurovascular   surfaces as well as at the apices. The relationship of the
          bundles in the area lateral to the roots of the mandibular   inferior  alveolar artery to the  nerve plexus was notable.
          molar teeth and extending up into the ramus. This   Instead  of  the  artery  lying  below the  nerve  in  the  main
          network was traced backward to one or more foramina   part of the bony canal, and then passing superior to the
          in the areas of insertion of the muscles of mastication.   nerve  in  the  distal  part of the  channel as  is  most  often
          The most common connection occurred with bundles    described, the nerve and artery formed an intertwined
          leaving the lateral pterygoid and  temporal  muscles.  The   plexus throughout the canal. The NVP thus lay in a distinct
          neurovascular  bundles  leaving  the  temporalis  muscle   bony canal which was observed as far as the mental
          were  traced  to  foramina  in  the  retromolar  fossa,  where   foramen, but which disappeared distal to this point. [5]
          the lowest fibers of the temporalis gain their insertion.   Blanton  and  Jeske   found  branches  of  the  mandibular
          This part of the network ramified through the cancellous   division  of  the  inferior  alveolar  nerve  originating  high
          bone, and eventually established one or more obvious   in the infratemporal fossa and travelling to the base
          junctions with the main trunk of the inferior alveolar   of the coronoid process  (high and anterior to the
          nerve, or with branches  sent by the latter to the   mandibular  foramen)  to  enter  the  mandible.  These
          molar roots. Microscopically, several bundles of this   branches carried sensory innervations to the second and
          posterior plexus and nerve fibers and blood vessels were   third molars. Branches of the mandibular division or of its
          consistently demonstrated. The largest of supplementary   inferior alveolar or buccal branches also noted to enter the
          foramina (internal diameter 0-4  mm or greater) was   mandible in the retromolar fossa area and to carry sensory
          most  commonly  seen  in  the  retromolar  fossa  (one-third   fibers to the first and third molars. The better-documented
          of the mandibles) and near the condyle  (one-fifth of the   of the accessory nerves includes the mylohyoid nerve, as
          mandibles). The foramina were commonly in or near the   well as branches of the mandibular division  (V3) of the
          areas of insertion of the muscles of mastication, and   trigeminal nerve, all of which arise high in the cranium
          probably transmitted the neurovascular bundles found on   and enter the mandible each according to its own route.
          dissection.  These “accessory” nerves formed a plexus   The incidence of mylohyoid innervation to the mandibular
          in the cancellous bone of the ramus and the body of   teeth is approximately 60%. The mylohyoid nerve can
          the  mandible  lateral  to  the  molar  roots  and  the  inferior   arise  from  the  inferior  alveolar  nerve  anywhere  from
          alveolar nerve. Branches of this plexus seemed to join   5 mm to 23  mm proximal to the level of the mandibular
          either the inferior alveolar nerve or its molar branches.    foramen, and it enters the mandible at a point distal to
          The links described are believed to offer an alternative   the  mandibular  foramen.  Therefore,  deposition  of  local
          escape route for pain impulses even after the effective   anesthetic in the vicinity of the mandibular foramen
          blockade  of  inferior  alveolar  nerve  at  its  entry  into   during  the  administration  of  an  inferior  nerve  block
                                                              often does not block the mylohyoid nerve. The authors
          Variations in  the branching pattern or topographical   recommended performing the mylohyoid nerve block in
          relationships of the mandibular nerve often accounted   the vicinity of the retromental foramina.
          for failure to obtain adequate local anesthesia  for   Studies  have  reported the  incidence of  the  retromolar
          routine oral and dental procedures,  and for unexpected   foramen as 1.7%, [7,8]  7.7%,  and 19.5% in the general
          injury to branches of the nerve during operation.  In   population,  23% in native populations of North
          2/20 dissections, Anil et al.  noted the emergence of the   America  and 21.9% in the Indian population.  However,
          auriculotemporal  nerve from the posterior root of the   Bilecenoglu and Tuncer   found an  incidence of 25%
          mandibular nerve. They also observed a nerve originating   which is the second highest  rate in the literature after
          from the auriculotemporal  nerve and  joining the inferior   Schejtman  et  al.  study  (72%). The histopathologic
          alveolar nerve on both sides just posterior to the maxillary   investigation  found the contents of the neurovascular
          artery. These two nerve branches and the mandibular   bundle to be striated muscle fibers, thin myelinated nerve
          nerve formed a loop reminiscent of the brachial plexus. [4]
                                                              fibers, numerous venules, and a muscular artery having a
          In  a study by  Zoud and Doran,  the  main  trunk of the   lumen of 120-130 µm. This is similar to the results found in
          inferior  alveolar nerve exhibited a branching structure   Schejtman’s studies.  Compared to the nutrient foramina
          reminiscent  of the  brachial plexus of the  upper   and canals, the retromolar foramen and canal were found
          limb.  This plexus-like  structure was compounded by   to have  vascular and neural contents.  The  presence  of
          delicate interweaving of the inferior alveolar artery.   this type of canal may explain anesthetic insufficiency
          There  were  numerous  communications  between  the   and/or bleeding at this  location during routine surgery.
          individual components, including fine filaments to the   The  distal  end  of the  retromolar canal advanced to  the
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