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Original Article Plastic and Aesthetic Research
Role of topical heparin in the management
of burns: experience in a district
government hospital of Karnataka in South
Ashish Gupta , Thangam J. Verghese , Priyanka Gupta , Ashok K. Gupta 4
1 Department of Plastic and Microvascular Surgery, SPS Apollo Hospitals, Ludhiana 141003, Punjab, India.
2 Department of Surgery, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore 575001, Karnataka, India.
3 Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, SPS Apollo Hospitals, Ludhiana 141003, Punjab, India.
4 Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns, DMCH, Ludhiana 141001, Punjab, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Ashish Gupta, Department of Plastic and Microvascular Surgery, SPS Apollo Hospitals, Sherpur Chowk,
GT Road, Ludhiana 141003, Punjab, India. E-mail:
Aim: Heparin is a multifaceted compound with uses not only as an anticoagulant, but also as an
anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, anti-histaminic, anti-serotonin, anti-proteolytic and neoangiogenic
agent. The aim of the study was to study the effect of topical heparin in the management of second-degree
burns. Methods: Between December 2005 and January 2007, 60 consecutive patients, aged 10-60 years,
with first-and second-degree thermal injuries ranging from 10% to 60%, were randomly enrolled in the
study divided into a control group (C) and a heparin group (H) of 30 patients each. Results: Patients
treated with topical heparin experienced statistically significant improved pain relief, faster healing, fewer
complications and shorter hospital stays. The majority of the patients admitted were in an economically
productive age group and were predominantly female. The distribution between the two groups according
to age, type of burns and extent of burns was not statistically different. Conclusion: The current study
demonstrates the efficacy of topical heparin in the treatment of first- and second-degree burns.
Key words:
Benefits, burns, cost, epidemiology, heparin
INTRODUCTION tangential excisions and skin grafts with recombinant
skin. With the advent of dedicated burn critical care units,
The earliest account of the treatment of burns dates back to there has been a concomitant improvement in the survival
the Egyptian period and the Ebers Papyrus. Rhazes (850-923 rates of critically injured burns patients and their return to
AD) prescribed rosewater cooled by snow for burn wounds, society as economically productive members.
and Avicenna (980-1037 AD) described the importance of Heparin is a multifaceted compound with anti-inflammatory,
using cold water in the management of burn injuries. [1]
anti-allergenic, anti-histaminic, anti-serotonin and anti-
Surgeons have advanced considerably from the use proteolytic enzyme properties. It has been used in both
of oil-soaked cloth applications to the use of primary parenteral and topical forms in the management of thermal
injuries to prevent burn extension, limit cutaneous tissue
Access this article online loss, promote faster healing with fewer contractures,
Quick Response Code: relieve of pain, reduce tissue edema and weeping, prevent
Website: infection, and to promote revascularization, granulation
and reepithelialization of deeply burned tissue. This
study was conducted to study the role of topical heparin
DOI: in the management of thermal burns and to validate its
10.4103/2347-9264.157100 efficacy and safety in a District Government Hospital in
South India.
Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 2 || Issue 3 || May 15, 2015 111