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significant (P = 0.008). The majority of Group C patients   in Group H had a positive effect on care, as patients were
          (24 patients) had wound contamination by the 5th postburn   significantly more alert (P < 0.001).
          day, whereas in Group  H only 4  patients developed   There  were  fewer  mortalities  in  Group  H  (1  patient)  as
          wound   infection,  a  highly  statistically  significant  compared to Group C (5 patients), but this difference was
          difference  (P  <  0.001)  [Figure  2]. None of the patients in   not statistically significant  (P  =  0.197).  The decreased
          Group  H had weeping wounds, as compared to Group  C   mortality  rate could not statistically be  attributed  to the
          in which 76.7% of the patients developed weeping wounds   effect of heparin alone.
          (P < 0.001).
          A reduction in infections was observed in nonweeping   DISCUSSION
          wounds in Group H as compared to Group C.
          Fisher’s exact test was used to calculate the significance of   Sushruta, considered to be the father of Indian surgery,
          the lower analgesic requirement in Group H as compared   described the  clinical symptoms  of  burnt  patients  in
          to Group  C  [Table  7]. The lower requirement for opioids   800  BC. In 1607,  Fabricus Hildnus  of Switzerland
                                                              provided the first printed extensive  description of
                                                              burns, their classification and treatment in his book
          Table 5: Duration of hospitalization was significantly   “De Combustionibus.”
          less than patients on conventional therapy
           Percentage of burns    Mean duration of      P     Heparin has  been  shown to be  very  effective  in  the
           (%)                     hospitalization            treatment of burns  in a number of studies conducted in
                                                              different  centers  across  the  globe.   The  use  of heparin
                                Group H    Group C            in  burns  has  been  shown  to  maintain  blood circulation,
           10-20                  13.6       26.2      0.018  inhibit  blood clotting and infarctions, relieve pain, limit
           21-30                  23.2        41       0.003  inflammation,  revascularize ischemic  tissue,  enhance
           31-40                  26.4       67.9      0.001  granulation, regulate collagen, and reduce scarring and
           41-50                   0          45              contractures. [4]
           51-60                  47.7        38       0.289
                                                              The  addition  of heparin  affordably improved burn  care
                                                              in the current study. A  majority of the burns were
          Table 6: Complications                              accidental  (46.7% of Group  C  and 63.3% of Group  H),
           Complications                Number of patients    while  an  appreciable  number  were  homicidal in
                                                              intent (36.7% of Group C and 33.3% of Group H).
                                     Group H        Group C
                                                              The pain, erythema, and edema were reduced in patients
           Aspiration pneumonia         0              3
           Atelectasis                  0              1      who received  treatment  with  heparin.  The  relief  of pain
           Deep venous thrombosis       0              5      with the use of heparin was remarkable as assessed on
           Pulmonary embolism           0              1      the visual analog scale as compared to the level of pain
           Septicemia                   1              3      experienced in Group  C. There was a direct relationship
           Urinary tract infection      3              6      between the size of burns and the amount of heparin
           No complications            26             11      required to produce healing. The reduced use of pain
                                                              medication and associated reduced side effects permitted
                                                              Group  H patients,  who were more alert and cheerful, to
          Table 7: Use of opioid analgesic                    ambulate sooner and participate in their burn treatment. [2]
           Number of doses per day       Number of patients   Irrigation of blisters in Group H removed the inflammatory
                                      Group H       Group C   exudates, and the skin functioned as an autologous
           1-2                           6             2      biological dressing.  Smooth  new  skin  was  evident
                                                              beneath the dried thin blister when it usually flaked off
           3-4                           0            28
                                                              in 10-14 days.

          Figure 1: Distribution of patients according etiology among heparin and
          control groups                                      Figure 2: Wound culture and growths
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