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The  revascularization of ischemic  tissue  was the  key   many  of  these  are  uncontrolled and inadequately  define
          feature  preventing  extension  of  burns  and hence  a   the appropriate treatment and outcomes. Further research
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          improvements were presumed to be a function of      the treatment of burn injuries. [15]
          heparin’s neoangiogenic effects. [5-7]

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                                                               How to cite this article: Gupta A, Verghese TJ, Gupta P, Gupta AK.
          In  conclusion,  even  as  research  for newer  modalities  in   Role of topical heparin in the management of burns: experience in a
          burn wound management continues, the authors find that   district government hospital of Karnataka in South India. Plast Aesthet
          some  traditional modalities  still have clinical relevance.   Res 2015;2:111-4.
          Although there are numerous studies supporting the use   Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
          of heparin in the treatment of burn wound management,   Received: 13-07-2014; Accepted: 29-03-2015

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